Quick: "They're gonna squeeze her, like a little pimple"

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Quick: "They're gonna squeeze her, like a little pimple"

Just how would they squeeze all that juice out from Violet? I know her skeletal system would not just stretch 4 times her original height.

And just what was Mike TV playing while they were interviewing him? Some fps, but what does it look like to you guys?


back then? it was probably pong.


My first game was pac man I think. Or super mario bros.

phantomcrow wrote:
Just how would they squeeze all that juice out from Violet? I know her skeletal system would not just stretch 4 times her original height.

And just what was Mike TV playing while they were interviewing him? Some fps, but what does it look like to you guys?

Interesting question since the general phrase is pop a pimple.

Don't climb the tree if you can't run naked through the kitchen.


im assuming your talking about the remake right?

if any ladies would like to rp, pm me anytime here or on yahoo


Why soitenly, the original was more realistic and the recent Johnny Deep edition was very cg thing. Well that's Mr. Tim Burton for ya. The world was modern and fictions at the same time. I laughed when Wonka tossed away the guy's business card without even looking at it. "You see Mr. Wonka, I myself am in the nut business....."

phantomcrow wrote:
Just how would they squeeze all that juice out from Violet? I know her skeletal system would not just stretch 4 times her original height.

And just what was Mike TV playing while they were interviewing him? Some fps, but what does it look like to you guys?

Hands, feet, and heads stretching vast distances from each other is something that is frequently portrayed in inflation art and stories but I've only ever seen a furry artist by the name of Aubrin ever offer up a semi-realistic explanation in his art. Basically, the limbs and other joints pop out of their sockets. It's really the connective tissues and some muscles stretching and not the bones. So I think that answers your question as to why she was able to shrink back down to her normal size in the remake and also explains why she had become extremely flexible afterward. Her joints just popped back together after they squeezed the juice out of her.

It's an interesting concept, especially since I've seen a few examples in stories recently of people inflating without their frame stretching, which resulted in their head, hands, and feet sinking into divots on their spherical bodies. This was happening to Violet shortly before she stopped growing, so even though her skin still appeared to have a little give left, her frame was reaching the limit of its elasticity.

I'd have to see it again to be sure but I think Mike TV was playing Doom.


Lol, Doom, I'm a mega Doom zombie fan.

Somebody did their homework and I mean that as a compliment. That would make sense to Violet's growth. Sorta wish her mother fell into the same transformation.

Btw, back then your website was awesome. Too bad it's not there anymore.

phantomcrow wrote:
Lol, Doom, I'm a mega Doom zombie fan.

Somebody did their homework and I mean that as a compliment. That would make sense to Violet's growth. Sorta wish her mother fell into the same transformation.

Btw, back then your website was awesome. Too bad it's not there anymore.

The scene was disappointing to me but I can't put my finger on why. It starts out great and then seems to go by far to quickly, jumping to different camera angles. I did like the way they made her inflate the wobbly way that water balloons do. It seemed to look more realistic that way, as though they studied water balloons for the effect.

Thanks for the compliment on my old site. If I ever hit the lottery or something, I might start up a site again someday.

dejected_Xmas's picture

It's called fantasy for a reason.
"In your imagination nothing needs to make sense to anyone else, Just you." - Gene Shallot

dejected_Xmas wrote:
It's called fantasy for a reason.
"In your imagination nothing needs to make sense to anyone else, Just you." - Gene Shallot

I don't know what you're driving at but it does take imagination to describe the inner workings of someone who has turned into a blueberry.


dejected_Xmas's picture
Wren wrote:
dejected_Xmas wrote:
It's called fantasy for a reason.
"In your imagination nothing needs to make sense to anyone else, Just you." - Gene Shallot

I don't know what you're driving at but it does take imagination to describe the inner workings of someone who has turned into a blueberry.


Yes it does but what these good people are talking about is how it's suppose to make sense.


oh man.

i've never considered what it would take for any of this to exist in reality. good topic.

perhaps she was transmogrified into a real blueberry with the same magic that allowed to exist a soda that made you float, oompa-loompas, and candy that never lost flavor. we might have witnessed the process that turned her into a berry with analogous physiological function to her human body. a spine and limbs of cellulose, supporting the tremendous bulk of her pulpy insides like stems of a plant.

and after being juiced (my guess is as good as yours where it's expelled from) the stuff would wear off, and she'd revert into a human. until then her juiced self would resemble a long twiggy bag of a person for the second movie and a dire candidate for a tummy tuck for the first.

would this idea be reasonable to the physics of that universe?


Wow I just made the pimple question, you guys actually pumped up the topic quite a bit and made things a lot more interesting. I guess Violet would sweat off the remnants of the juice and eventually be human again. As for flexibility, I think it would be possible for her to become even more competent, with the karate and I think some aerobics. I just hope she won't be the girl who always looks for the prize. I think her mother also made her like that, but Violet seem to have surpassed her mom with all those trophies. Hopefully by then she'd learn her lesson, but who am I to care? If I were a parent I would be Charlie's old man to survive the whole tour. And enjoy the oompa loompa's tunes lol. Their first tune with Augustus Gloop, or whatever name, was probably the most suited for their former primitive culture. The second had a bit more of a beat, but the rest were a tad bit taken too far for my taste, really...unreal stuff.

Wren wrote:
phantomcrow wrote:
Lol, Doom, I'm a mega Doom zombie fan.

Somebody did their homework and I mean that as a compliment. That would make sense to Violet's growth. Sorta wish her mother fell into the same transformation.

Btw, back then your website was awesome. Too bad it's not there anymore.

The scene was disappointing to me but I can't put my finger on why. It starts out great and then seems to go by far to quickly, jumping to different camera angles. I did like the way they made her inflate the wobbly way that water balloons do. It seemed to look more realistic that way, as though they studied water balloons for the effect.

Thanks for the compliment on my old site. If I ever hit the lottery or something, I might start up a site again someday.

I think I just found parts of your old site from 2000. it was linked to some yahoo group and in spite of limited connection, almost everything still exist. Remember that lady with the green sweater and her growing breasts down at the mall?

I will need your permission if we will let everybody know about this long lost treasure of yours.


I know that it's on some web archive site. The link was posted somewhere in this forum a long time ago, I think.