Why a blueberry?

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Why a blueberry?

OK, well obviously the immediate answer to that is it's what Roald Dahl chose, but why? If he'd decided to turn her into a tomato, would we all be thinking about that? I have to say i have something of a weakness for tomato costumes, and it could have gone that way for me. The gum turned into tomato soup before it became blueberry pie.

The other thing about it, for me, is that blueberries are actually quite small. I get that it needs to be something juicy, but watermelons are juicy, tomatoes are also soft and squishy, and so on. Blueberries, by contrast, are tiny.

So, i'm asking you, how do you feel about tomatoes? Do they have possibilities for you?




I guess it could have easily been tomato instead but I still liked blue and the roundness to it :D


Well, I once made a drawing of people wearing tomatoes (Oh, I really hope someone who knows me doesn't read this :p ) And, for my rubber inflationsuit(which is red)I'm going to make green gloves and a green crown(?) to look like a tomato just as the drawing! :)

So yeah, tomatoes are in my mind.
I don't know why. Maybe because in the video that started everything they were wearing red suits, I like some kind of story/imagination to play with and I always want to be different than most people. :P

But I don't think they should have transformed her into a tomato. A face can turn red in real life too and the colour blue is always been a rare colour in nature, so it feels weirder, just like when you colour potatoes blue. Everyone thinks it is poisoned or something.


I wouldn't have liked tomato transformation has much for some reason. Now if it had been cherries instead of blueberries, that would have been a cool substitution.

if any ladies would like to rp, pm me anytime here or on yahoo

dejected_Xmas's picture

I have very positive thoughts on tomatoes, They are red and they are good on food. Tomatoes have been mistreated as slaves by the Russians for years, and I do not think it is right. I pray for your day of freedom, My Tomato friends.

dragon_6860's picture

If I would have to guess, his logic probaly went something like this. "Ok, for desert...needs to be round, so what could it be...Fruit, maybe fruit in pie filling. Cherries would be good, but that red...looks a bit bloody. Hmm...Apples aren't round...Blueberries! There we go, round, in pies, and not red."

No, I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.

Inflate123's picture
dragon_6860 wrote:
If I would have to guess, his logic probaly went something like this. "Ok, for desert...needs to be round, so what could it be...Fruit, maybe fruit in pie filling. Cherries would be good, but that red...looks a bit bloody. Hmm...Apples aren't round...Blueberries! There we go, round, in pies, and not red."

I was going to suggest much the same thought process. I think as long as you figure the transformation begins as the gum meal ends, you are picking from potential desserts.


Personally, I do like watermelon transformation scenes.

Tomatoes, hmm. I have seen one poison in a roleplaying game (published) that resulted in the victim inflating into a tomato.


I don't think cherries would work because they have large stones in them and it would have to be juicy. I take the point about blue being a non-food colour, but it doesn't seem to rule out blackcurrants. Watermelons and pumpkins are too solid, in a way, though i think they can work. I would definitely vote for a tomato, and in fact i even started a story where an industrial spy broke into the chocolate factory before Wonka had got to the blueberry stage and she was going to turn into a tomato instead.



Ratbiker's picture

i once had a dream that Morticia from the New Adams Family was wearing a bright red dress and then blew up like a tomato later on in the dream.

it was a rather good inflation dream i had. but yea i like tomatoes too. :P


Ratbiker wrote:
i once had a dream that Morticia from the New Adams Family was wearing a bright red dress and then blew up like a tomato later on in the dream.

it was a rather good inflation dream i had. but yea i like tomatoes too. :P


Although, I would also love to see Wednesday inflated too.


There are of course jobs which require people to dress up as tomatoes. They're generally thought of as rather low status, but then, how many foot fetishists work incognito in shoe shops?




I like the idea of oranges - they are nice and round. Id like to wear an orange inflatable suit and get inflated.


Clementine Kruczynski (Kate Winslet) in 'Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind'? She wears orange and is nicknamed "Tangerine" as well as Clementine. Joel was into furries. What else might he be into?



Fairia's picture

I even went as far as doing a tomato inflation drawing. The victim obviously small in size and lost among tall grass stalks.


Is it on Deviant Art or anywhere?




I am kinda surprised no one pointed out the most obvious explaination. Maybe Blueberry was just his favorite kind of pie? *shrugs*

Either way, even though it been done that way for so long, I really can't see anything else working as well as Blue berry.

I'm mean. 

LittlePumpkin wrote:
Well, I once made a drawing of people wearing tomatoes (Oh, I really hope someone who knows me doesn't read this :p ) And, for my rubber inflationsuit(which is red)I'm going to make green gloves and a green crown(?) to look like a tomato just as the drawing! :)

So yeah, tomatoes are in my mind.
I don't know why. Maybe because in the video that started everything they were wearing red suits, I like some kind of story/imagination to play with and I always want to be different than most people. :P

But I don't think they should have transformed her into a tomato. A face can turn red in real life too and the colour blue is always been a rare colour in nature, so it feels weirder, just like when you colour potatoes blue. Everyone thinks it is poisoned or something.

Don't think tomatoes would have made sense in a candy factory

blueberries i guess were a fruit he and other kids ate at that age. Not to mention its one of the only 'truly round' fruits out there.


I'm English, and blueberries are not very popular here. Casting my mind back to the '70s, there was blueberry jam but that was it, and even that was unpopular. Since Roald Dahl was writing in 1964, i think it's unlikely he was into blueberry pie, but maybe i'm wrong. All i can remember about his personal life was that he went to a posh school and was caned a lot there. I wonder if that influenced his sexuality. Oh, and he specified in his will that the sequel to CATCF could never be made into a film because he hated the first one so much.

Concerning tomatoes, the scenario i had in mind was that Wonka opens a sideline soup factory supplied by tomato people being constantly squeezed.



Ratbiker's picture
nineteenthly wrote:
Concerning tomatoes, the scenario i had in mind was that Wonka opens a sideline soup factory supplied by tomato people being constantly squeezed.

it could be possible; rather interesting too, but i dunno. maybe it would be too much competition with heinz. :P
