Guys fill their jeans with helium

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JSK00's picture
Guys fill their jeans with helium

New find!

I must say, it looks really cool. :)

Now if we could sub women for men, and something stretchier for denim....


You do realise that's fake? The lifting power helium provides is a long way from being able to cancel out the weight of an adult. The gravity would have to be about 1% of what it is now or lower even for hydrogen to work. I did the sums a few months ago and it's impossible.


LobsterJ's picture

To all who don't know. This is a Jeans commercial

Bigger is better


Ah, OK, silly me.

I have to say that this does nothing for me. If it was someone with inflatable clothes all over or something, then maybe. Still, each to their own.



Hehe... I remember when I first saw this commercial. I secretly gasped and giggled to myself. Only saw it like a few times within that week and it went of air though.