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inflatingclothes's picture

hI I found something that might interest you.

i found a japanese web site selling balloon fetish related dvds. check out this link.

I think that it reminds me of bambi
hope to here from you.

Contact me via Twitter https://twitter.com/wanna585?t=Ge9klnQkvF2HxSR8dF1efA&s=09

Inflate123's picture

Wow, nice work! I thought it would take forever to find that video after someone posted about it.

I crunched the numbers and it's $88 for USA delivery...oof. That's rough right now.


There is another place where you can just download the video to your computer for about $37 if you don't mind having a box. It's not anything professional as far as the props are concerned, but I liked it.


Looks like we are spreading around the world.
I like how they call it "distended body".

inflatingclothes's picture

Do they execpt uk money?

Contact me via Twitter https://twitter.com/wanna585?t=Ge9klnQkvF2HxSR8dF1efA&s=09


Whats the Link Mix Master? That sounds a lot more likely then ordering the dvd for me.


Another view - http://www.kino-works.com/st/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=21&products_id=562&language=en

"Continue the research..."

srflour wrote:
Another view - http://www.kino-works.com/st/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=21&products_id=562&language=en

This is the link I got my stuff from. Thanks for reposting that.


Yes, thanks, I picked it up.

Its pretty cute actually. The props are obvious, but the scenarios and such are all pretty entertaining. With what little Japanese I know, I can follow the first part at least. XD


It looks an uncomplicated and fun set of scenes. A nice change that seems to hark back to the more simple premise that seems to have been largely forgotten with Inflation stuff in recent times.

"Continue the research..."


More or less, yeah. :)

Inflate123's picture

Yay, direct download would be the way to go, then! Thanks for the link.


A direct download link? Where could that be found at? Or a RapidShare link or something?