Gobstopper-Willy Wonka meets Saw?

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Gobstopper-Willy Wonka meets Saw?

Saw this today while doing my usual site checks. Apparently it's a fake trailer but there are also rumors that they are going to be making it into a short film. Basically it's Willy Wonka meets Saw, http://www.gobstoppermovie.com/ After watching the trailer I didn't see anything hinting towards a nod to everyone's favorite scene but I thought it was interesting enough.Plus it's got Christopher Lloyd as Wonka! Like I said nothing concrete but I thought the concept was interesting.

boomer's picture

This looks like an interesting concept. I know everyone is going to be hoping for some kind of inflation but i think this is pretentious as a good short movie. AND CHRISTOPHER FREAKIN LLOYD IS IN IT!!!


Well that was certainly interesting. I have my doubts there will be any blueberry scene but Christopher Lloyd is great as evil Wonka and the killer oompa loompas lol.


Ok, I HATE horror flicks...especially the Saw series. It just turns my stomach seeing & hearing people being tortured to death. YECK! Having said that, its a monumental thing to say that I would watch that! >:D


I'm not much of a fan of horror films either - I find the premise behind some fascinating, but the brutality/gore/sadism factor has always repulsed me. I reserve a special place of hatred and venom in my heart for the Saw series - in my opinion, one of the single worst franchises to come out of the horror industry in recent years.

Although the premise here sounds interesting, I can see way too many ways in which a Wonka-esque setting could be used as an excuse for the kind of truly grotesque shit that the horror industry seems to thrive on. Hence, I don't think I'd have much interest in seeing a movie like this, even if it did have Christopher Lloyd in it. XD

Also, the link provided in the opening post doesn't seem to be working anymore.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."


This looks fucking hilarious. And the fact it has Doc in it makes it all better. I'll have to keep tabs on this.


yeah the teenagers don't seem to reflect Roald Dahl's kids in any way and there's no indication that anything else in this movie will reflect the original.

However, the blueberry scene was one of the more enduring Wonka scenes (the one that Alien Ant Farm chose to represent the film in their video for Movies) so even though you would think it would be in the trailer, the possibility of it being in there is slight.

I think it would probably be a bit gory a la Slither if they did do it though.

bostoncowboy's picture

i can gaurantee there will be no wonka like situations.


I myself also think the Saw movies and horror movies in general are pretty stupid and awful, but then again would we really want to see a blueberry scene in this? It would probably have the girl swelling up and then bursting in a violent splash of blood, gore, and blue stuff, ewwww. No thanks


Haha, awesome! Is there anything that Christopher Lloyd is in that's not good?

Where did you hear that they're thinking of making it into a short film? I really hope they do! I'm a big horror fan!


Hell, the new Violet scene is shot pretty much as if it WAS a horror movie.

Inflate123's picture

As a fan of both horror films and Wonka, that was great! But I gotta think this is a joke/this is all we get; the trailer is the joke. Don't you think Dahl's estate would block the hell out of this? Charlie & the Chocolate Factory is not in public domain.


Not if it's a fan film, which I think it is, albeit one with a higher budget than most.

As long as they don't make any money out of it, it's allowed.


The one interesting thing is that I think the "boner" guy is the same guy in the "Pregnant!" video, where he walks around instantly impregnating and inflating various cute girls. I think so, anyway.

But sadly (or fortunately) the trailer is a fake. Did someone post this above already?


Of all the genre projects to screen at this year's SXSW, the best has got to be the fake Funny or Die trailer for Gobstopper--a perfect blend of Willy Wonka and Saw, starring Christopher Llyod and Last House on the Left's Martha MacIsaac. And the funniest part of this trailer may be that when it screened at the festival earlier this week, no one was told it was fake! But unlike most other films that were screened, this one won't have to wait for a DVD or theatrical release--you can watch it now just by hitting the jump! The only thing less than perfect about this trailer is the fact that the original Willy Wonka was already pretty damn terrifying. Still, is it too much to ask that this...


FunnyOrDie posted a spoof trailer for a fake horror film called "Gobstopper," apparently about a bunch of teens who end up as ingredients in Willy Wonka's chocolate factory. The trailer stars Christopher Lloyd (Back to the Future), Martha MacIsaac (The Last House on the Left), Zach Gilford (The Last Winter), Paul Rust (Semi-Pro), Nicky Whelan ("Neighbours"), Paul Scheer ("Human Giant"), Wee Man (Jackass) and Little Jon. Watch the full trailer below. Trailer:


Holy GOD! Christopher Lloyd is a GREAT villain!