Looking for someone to inflate me

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Looking for someone to inflate me

I live in Toronto, Ontario and am looking for a professional to inflate me. I have never been inflated before and I would like to video tape myself being inflated.
You would need a fair bit of experience with inflating others and hopefully live in or close to Toronto.

Ratbiker's picture

message me and we can talk this over. do you have MSN messenger?



As in real inflation?


Um didn't the poster in the other thread mention how her kid was in the hospital because he attempted something like this? You want a "professional" to help you? Because if a professional helps you, you think that doing something completely inane and reckless wouldn't be dangerous?

ASIAN!'s picture

This might be asking for trouble....


I've been inflating for around 10 years (since I was 13)


I consider myself a pro at it. I have never been injured and have successfully used compressors, helium tanks, etc, to pump myself to monstrous proportions. I have done a ton of medical research on the subject and know more about the body's ability to inflate than most can ever boast.

If you are interested send me a PM. Ill make you huge and I'll do it safely. Plus I have access to a XL2 video camera!


Lateralus87 wrote:
Um didn't the poster in the other thread mention how her kid was in the hospital because he attempted something like this? You want a "professional" to help you? Because if a professional helps you, you think that doing something completely inane and reckless wouldn't be dangerous?

Sticking a needle into your ball sack and puffing it full of air is NOT safe. Inflating via an enema is a common medical practice with very limited cases of complications in healthy adults. It is exponentially safer than scrotal inflation. Scrotal inflation is damn dangerous. You are introducing elements into a fragile part of the body that is not meant to handle it. Enemas, however, are introducing common elements already found in the gastrointestinal tract (e.g. O2, CO2, Water). You cannot compare the two. Scrotal inflation is and has always been dangerous regardless of who says what. Enemas are safe if you are safe about it. Clinics perform enemas all the time and they even have kits you can buy at your local market. When was the last time you saw a "scrotal inflation kit" at your nearest pharmacy? Never... because its DANGEROUS.


can we call you Dr. inflation Bellywolf?


sounds kind of like Dr. Manhattan lol

flationable's picture
Bellywolf wrote:
sounds kind of like Dr. Manhattan lol

Just...don't go painting yourself blue and prancing around the town naked.

Ugh, Dr. Manhattan and his magical blue 'rooster'.


Thanks everyone for the responses.
Ratbiker and Bellywolf you'll be hearing from me. :)


I live in Mississauga, so i can be of help to you, been inflating for 5 years now, found some new ways to inflate and to make it not only last longer, but make no damage come to the body.

now i can try and scrape up a camera, but i do only Movie editing (Learning)


Why don't you just purchase yourself an inflatable butt plug or dildo. You can get them from on-line stores. You can use them yourself or have a partner use them on you. Anyway I hope you have fun and stay well.

xxxx footpumpgirl.

Bondage with Inflation.... what more could a girl ask for. If you wish to chat to me I am on xhamster. It is a free adult porn site and you will need a profile. Again this is free. Just let me know your from here and you wish to chat about inflating me

BE_Babe's picture

one thing you could try, is eating foods that will cause you gas. it's a natural way to get that filled-with-air feeling, and not have any bad side effects, besides maybe a lil discomfort of too much gas being kept in one part of your intestines.

as for inflating your balls, guys, it's completely not safe, or sane. many complications could arize, such as one of the worst of them: being unable to ejaculate, or unable to have children ever again.
I wouldn't reccommend it at all. if you want to atleast see the inflating ballz thing, get a balloon in the shape of em, and turn it into attachable underwear, then inflate that. you could still feel the pressure of it, but wouldn't have the rick factors, other than maybe a snapping pain from the balloon popping from being blown up too big.

Just please keep your health and safety precautions. I wouldn't wanna hear in the news or anywhere else, that some guy had to be rushed to the hospital over trying to inflate his balls. just gross, wrong, and stupid.

When all the world is a stage, live it up!