My first story

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My first story

I know there are a few grammatical errors but just ignore them. This story was just out of pure boredom.

"uggh this wetsuit is so tight" Bianca said."Well its the only thing that really fits your body."Kristin replied."Now quit your moaning and help me get into mine."Bianca and Kristin got in their wetsuits on and put their scuba tanks on and were ready to go diving.They both get in the water and begin to swim around."We should do this more often"Bianca said "deffintley, now lets get underwater"said Kristin.Bianca and Kristin dive underwater and begin their diving trip.As they swim underwater for quite a while Bianca starts noticing that her wetsuit is getting tighter and so does Kristin but they both think nothing of it.A few moments later Kristins thighs start swelling up as does Bianca's. Their stomachs inflate like a balloon and they both start floating upwards.As they were rolling on the surface of the water their wetsuits rip open as the bob up and down like a buoy.They then become so inflated they can't even see their feet and their stomachs are 4x the size than it usaully is. Out of the blue a coast guard is patroling the waters and comes accross these 2 inflated girls. He hoists them up onto the boat and takes off their scuba tank.They both shrink down to regular size and scream "that was the funnest thing i've done in years!"The coast guard replys "seems like the manufactures of the scuba tank were giving you more air than your body could handle."

Inflate123's picture

That's a fine vignette and a good start...but why not post it in the Writer's Den? :)

Inflate123 wrote:
That's a fine vignette and a good start...but why not post it in the Writer's Den? :)

oh sorry my bad D: