1000th Topic

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dejected_Xmas's picture
1000th Topic

Lets discuss the history of inflation on the internet and how it evolved.

Inflate123's picture

There's a timeline for the history of the BE community, and our organized roots really stem from that.

I think Wren's site, Wren Spot, was the first major watershed moment for inflation specifically. DanielSan was around at the same time but I really remember Wren being "the place to go." It was a great site.

dragon_6860's picture

Ahh, I remember Wren's Spot. I think that was my second inflation site, right after your side, Inflate123. I still remember, If i recall, it was back when you were posting just one video on your front page every week or so, I think it was the Ally McBeal one.

No, I would not want to live in a world without dragons, as I would not want to live in a world without magic, for that is a world without mystery, and that is a world without faith.

Inflate123's picture

Did I do it that frequently? I recall being lazier than that. :)

Luther's site started around the same time IIRC. What sites am I forgetting? There was a fair amount of inflation crossover with !!BE_Loft.

Personally, I remember finding Seritaph in a usenet forum in the summer of (god help me) 1994, and writing to him...then waiting three months for the reply because he had no way to check his college email while he was away. And in the meantime I'd met Buster of the Balloon Buddies, so we'd struck up a great conversation that really made me feel better about it all.