Yahoo Groups and other Forums of the Community

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Yahoo Groups and other Forums of the Community

Ya, its been some time since I joined the forum to gain more of an understanding of the fetish and the animosity that some (or in this case) alot of people hold. SO far from looking at a few forums and on deviantart, all I can see is that ignorant people start to hate on the unknown and the weird in their mind, the weirded ones stay away a bit freaked out and the truly ignorant, closed-minded ones start causing mayhem and problems (recent case is Blue-Leader and Blue-Leadurr on Deviantart)

As far as I'm Concerned, I see no issues here and nothing to warrant such hate. I just see some guys and girls here just sharing something they have in common with each other, albeit it was a bit weird from my POV at first. I think I have a little Helium Fetish after all my sifting and searching! XD

Ok, besides my little spewage here, onto the main thing here. As I checked the Yahoo Groups online, I noticed something as I Signed up to see what went on with them. Alot of the groups are open for all to join. While this does get some that are interested in the fetish, 80+% of the members are spam-bots or junk-mailers which make most groups tank. The content in the groups are mostly garbage besides some old content that interested me. Then there are other groups that allow users to join based on the moderators rules (usually to have your Profiles Filled and your Age displayed plus a small blurb on why you want to join.) Some Mods get back to you fast and allow you in or deny you if you think you're lying (happened to me numerous times. I am 20, but some mods just don't believe me since I don't Like to post a pic of myself around) but some are inactive or just don't check new users requests.

One other thing on my mind is that there are other forums of Body Inflation on the web, but a few are opened and w/o Spam-bots. Most others are just traps or dead in the hole or locked again based on your info on joining.

Ok, i ask the users here. What Yahoo groups and forums do you know that are active and what do you think on the groups and forums? My Yahoo display name is Skymaster489 or just Skymaster i believe.

dejected_Xmas's picture

Inflatechan, Inflationchan, Expansion Mansion.

wesker991's picture

Mainly links to other awesome sites.


Thats a Yahoo group I started. Im the only mod on there and I check it every day, but I dont require you have age in your profile and thats it, you can type rendomly into that little box thats supposed to be about yourself. There hasnt been much stuff added lately but it has alot of pics and stories.