Airy Tales - now open!

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Inflate123's picture
Airy Tales - now open!

I am happy to say that my website Airy Tales is now finally online! I have a permanent homepage at last.

I am sorry to say it is not what I originally intended it to be, and that long story of what has been going on with it for the last 18 months is in this blog post.

But I am happy to say that a new story, "Little Red Riding Hood (and How She Became Not So Little)", was released along with the launch.


Nice to see that Airy Tales is finally off the ground - so to speak XD - even if it is in a lesser form. I'm sorry it wasn't able to live up to your ambitions, but I have no doubt it'll still be quite a bright spot in the community.

There seems to be a problem with the Little Red story though. The link to it appears to be broken - I keep getting 'Page Cannot Be Found' when I click on it, and my attempts to download by right-clicking result in a blank file.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."


I guess some small glitches can be encountered with new things.

I got the same problem.

Inflate123's picture

Yes, I was so happy to launch that I didn't full test it. Sorry about that and thanks for letting me know.

As of this morning, Little Red is online (I goofed on the link) and you can register as a user/post comments if you click the Log In link under Meta. The proper "Register" link will appear at the lower left.

I've realized that it might one day blossom into what I wanted it to be, and there's no shame in starting small. The script for Red as a proper storybook is a little different from the text version I posted, so if we ever do get to a visual's not like LRRH is going to go out of style. I would love to have multiple versions of multiple tales up there.

Keeper's picture

Wow. New site looks great!

I like my ladies in shape. Round's a shape.

Inflate123's picture

I am happy to announce that Pballooned is the artist on the first illustrated digital storybook version of an Airy Tale!

It's a PDF and, thanks to the Creative Commons license, you can download it for free with our blessings.

I am hoping to help create more of these in the future -- next story is ready to go, but I am holding out for some artists to do illustrated versions at launch instead of my boring ol' text-only editions. :)


Yup. After reading that, I really need to hire Pballooned. Best version of Little Red Riding Hood btw Inflate123.


Hourglass might not be my thing, but I have to say that the art was very well done, and the style was very fitting for something like this. I tip my hat to the both of you - for clever writing and well-done artwork.


By the way, I probably know the answer to this, considering I'm pretty sure where your interests lie, but... there isn't any chance that any future works will cater to those of us who prefer our girls rounder instead of hourglassy, is there?

Inflate123's picture

There is! A few writers contacted me at launch asking about doing some stories, and I wasn't really ready for that, but now I think I have a plan. Different voices are definitely going to introduce different shapes. :)

At the risk of sounding even more d-baggy than I usually do, and knowing that the c-word is overused to the point of not meaning anything...I am starting to see this as a community project rather than a personal vanity project. The video vault was that way and it was cool -- everybody gave a little and I just tried to keep it together. So it would be nice to have that vibe on AT too. I'm just going to let it evolve naturally for now.


I'm happy that it is finally up. I liked the final result a lot, if I can say it :P

IronHead wrote:
Yup. After reading that, I really need to hire Pballooned. Best version of Little Red Riding Hood btw Inflate123.

I'm glad this is catching the attention of people to commission me. You can PM me if you make a decision. Just remember I don't do nudity or bloody stuff. :)

Inflate123's picture

I need to take Airy Tales down and do a complete reinstall. I have fallen victim to the dreaded malware and I tried to fix it, but it's still reporting my site as a bad destination. So...I will nuke it from space. The various bits and pieces I've posted that were hosted there (Cyndi's voice files, PBallooned's artwork, the Tales themselves) will hopefully be restored in short order -- but if you spot anything strange, well, that's it.

Then again, if you visit, you're probably going to get a malware warning and you'd likely close the window anyway.


Website Security Flaws really blow depending on the site version. As long as you keep up with your Anti-Virus & Anti-Spyware programs (and having a very nice firewall is a tremendous plus,) then these malware warnings mean jack! (Glad I run Spybot and Comodo Internet Security!)

Wait though! I remember a red screen coming up external links to your site (some through Inflatechan.) If these errors persist, you need to clear the warning w/ Microsoft. (It happens to alot of Free DeviantArt pages since dA has asstacular advertisement restrictions!) Once you put the site up and there are no more bugs in the mix, you may still get those errors...


It wouldn't happen to have been Alureon.H would it? That virus was a pain in my ass for several weeks. Would you believe a scan in Safe Mode with Microsoft Security Essentials and a reset worked?