Can I get some advice for my non-inflation gf?

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Can I get some advice for my non-inflation gf?

Hey, I thought I would post this here since this is the group who would be able to give the best-ish advice on the subject. (If it's in the wrong forum, please don't flame me, let me know and I'll remake it there and ask for a deletion here.)
My girlfriend and I have been together for about 2 years now, starting at our senior prom, and all the while she's pretty much known and accepts my fetish. She's played around with it in the past through roleplays and balloon-play and stuff, but she never really can put her all into it because she can't really understand inflation and the mentality behind it, even after my explination (which obviously sucked). So I'm coming to you guys to ask for some advice for her on how she could get either a little more into inflation, or be able to put more of herself into rp's an such.
Note: I am not, by far, asking her to actually take the fetish as her own, since that would be crossing a line in the human psyche that would just be rude.

Thank you all in advance,


Is a little advice that could help strengthen my relationship too much to ask for?

hellview_666's picture

I would recommend showing her a few stories and maybe act out those, just as a starting point. perhaps even explain the "science" behind why the girl inflating likes/enjoys it?


The problem may be that if you don't already have this fetish, it makes no sense. I've not been successful with this at all, since my wife simply says it's "creepy" and that's that.

My explanation would be about the excitement of being out of control and helpless, of having your innermost being penetrated and forced outwards, and of the tension of being about to burst but not knowing when, which is like being sexually excited and on the brink of orgasm. There's also vulnerability and a sense of being really visible and humiliated. The experience of being inflated is really intense. I expect that for some people there might also be a link with pregnancy, and maybe for women, when they were going through puberty, they might have been quite excited when their breasts were developing and so on, and it's a sudden and exaggerated version of that.

Does that help?


Inflate123's picture
gongon1050 wrote:
Is a little advice that could help strengthen my relationship too much to ask for?

No, but you only gave it eight hours. Relax, you're not being snubbed -- some folks don't check the site daily, let alone multiple times a day.

My wife accepts it, but didn't adopt it; you're wise not to expect that. But the idea of control and loss of control is something we've talked about here a lot -- I think nineteenthly has a point. Inflation is the manifestation and it's a matter of personal taste; what's the emotional impetus? That's likely something more universal.

That worked in my relationship. She knows she has this against me, can use it however she wants, and she likes that. She gets a kick out of knowing a word or two can send me over the edge. The power relationship turned out to be the sweet spot for us, so consider what might be in it for her.


Sorry for being impatient, but I had first posted this on the process, and from all day all I got was someone schluffing it off and telling me to try here, so by that point I was a little miffed about it.

I was mainly asking because my girl wants to be into it more, she's even said she wishes she had it herself so she could understand and like it more for me, and my advice I tried giving her didn't help much.

I'll be showing this to her once she gets home from work today, so as many varied opinions for her to try and connect with the better, and I thank you all who have helped me so far.


tell Her this that You have this fetish to make sure You'll stick around tell the baby is born and be a good dad.
9 months gos by quick.

and links


That can cut both ways. I had a girlfriend who was really put off by the idea that i'd be aroused by her "inflating" belly if she got pregnant because she would regard that as spoiling a beautiful experience. I do sometimes wonder if we're programmed to want this precisely for that reason - we either want to get pregnant (female) or we want to stay around to watch the person we got pregnant inflate (male).



Well she's already got my class ring as a wedding promise, since I can't afford an engagement ring right now, and she already knows I can't wait to see her pregnant, though it won't happen until we're married (my decision). So I was looking for advice aside from the area of pregnancy, though thank you for your 2 cents.


Another problem with that is that if she is into pregnancy, the issue of how you feel about her "deflated" body afterwards could arise. The answer to that might be another child, but it's not so simple really. Children are fantastic, but you can't just conceive them for that sort of reason, i think.


Keeper's picture

For my significant other, I described it more as an attraction to the exaggeration of the utterly feminine physical characteristics - boobs, butt, belly, and so on. She and I joke that I'm not a sexual deviant, I'm just extra straight for girls. She's bisexual, so I think she also understands the attraction that the female body can have.

I like my ladies in shape. Round's a shape.

Inflate123's picture

I guess if you want kids, then you should enjoy the pregnancy on any and all levels -- but to pay for nine months of swelling with the next 18 years has never been a tradeoff I've wanted to make. That, and it's not like she's going to be all ultrahorny while pregnant; quite the opposite.

Those inflatable latex outfits and fancy preggo costumes are cheap by comparison...and you don't have to worry about the costume growing up, poking around in your belongings, and finding out about your secret fetish. :)


People sometimes are very randy during pregnancy, pregnancy itself is awesome in a number of ways and as inflation fetishists, we have a big advantage. It doesn't mean you get pregnant for that reason, but it is a bonus when it happens.



Well I was wanting to try out the whole inflatable suit thing, since me and her already have tried out water balloons in an over-sized bra to simulate to the best we can, but a suit is way out of our budget, since she has a car, we're both trying to get back into college, and we live in an apartment. ^^'
If there was a God given way to get a suit, I would be all over it, and she'd probably give it a try if only to have another way to get ma at her mercy.


I wouldn't write off an inflatable suit entirely. It is possible to make one from plastic bags and lots of time and other methods. There is also getting a jumpsuit and stuffing with multiple plastic bags to simulate an inflatable suit.


A long time back, i picked up a second hand leotard for £2.50 (maybe $5?) and a beachball (maybe $2 to you), cut a hole in the crotch and "blew up" my partner with the beachball over her belly. It was pretty exciting and really cheap, plus really convincing. Also great fun blowing the ball up.


Inflate123's picture

Yeah, I would go homemade and cheap. Remember, it's not how it looks to anybody else -- it's how it looks in your mind's eye, and how it feels!

Cheap leotards, clearance swimwear, an inexpensive aquarium pump, duct tape...I'm betting you can rig something up cheap and easy.


Seriously, what i did was fantastic and really cheap. Have you thought about using one of those joke aprons with the inflatable breasts? They have bits of flat cardboard under the breasts, but you could take them out, glue them back together again and blow them up, then put some kind of inflatable bit under the apron bit, put the whole lot under a leotard and do it that way.



Well while we were cleaning up her room in her old house we found something interesting.
A big, blue, hooded poncho. It's got quite a thick skin too. The only problem is that the sides of it are the triangle style, so none of it is already connected together, and neither me or her knows how to sew (anymore >.> ) Any suggestions for things to pick up from the dollar store or wallmart that would be cheap, but effective?
(sorry for being so needy, but I thank you all for everything, she's been reading the thread and she kinda gets it a bit now.)

Inflate123's picture

Hard to say without knowing what it looks like. Also sounds like it's even more work than some of the other suggestions! It's always easier to take a closed item and cut holes/modify it than it is to take an open item and try to close it.


The thing about figure-hugging stuff is you can pretend it's your actual body, whereas something loose is more likely to be unconvincing. You can also put other clothes on top of a swimsuit or leotard more easily if you want to do something like button-popping on a blouse or you want the restriction of less stretchy stuff.