Volume 42, Number 12 of Forum UK ("Forum" as in "Penthouse") just arrived in my mailbox...and look at the lower left of the cover.
That's a bit of a surprise.
Critical Volume and I were interviewed via email a few months ago and I thought it would be a small story, like 250 words or something short. You know, like "Huh, will you look at that little splinter culture, who knew?" Turns out it's an eight-page feature, and it's mentioned on the cover.
The article is very respectful. It is composed mostly of direct quotes and does not judge, it just sort of lets CV and I give our versions of what we're into and why. His artwork was used to illustrate the piece, in full-page fashion, and I think it looks great.
Can anybody in the UK poke around the naughty newsstands and confirm that it's for sale?
Can you scan the article pages for us?