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one thing

think what steven tyler from aerosmith would look like as a blueberry. try giving me some pics

megamanfreak321 wrote:
think what steven tyler from aerosmith would look like as a blueberry. try giving me some pics

That's absolutely horrifying. I think you've just ruined this fetish for me, congratulations.

...I meant that sarcastically.


I'd have to agree.....that was just unnecessary...>//>

Inflate123's picture

Hey, to each their own. But maybe you should give us some pics -- you're the one most interested in seeing it, so you should really take the lead on this one. (Otherwise it just looks like random begging, which never goes over well.)


I'm pretty sure this is a troll. Maybe the ED kids are bored?


Maybe... You know, they can't spend all day trolling DA and Youtube :P As much fun as the trolling results of DA can be.

JSK00's picture

Fuck it. The way they do it, their site deserves its own Eldritch Abomination. [/opinion]