Why no whizzing around deflations?

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Why no whizzing around deflations?

Granted, I know most of us on here don't do deflation, but I'm not just referring to this site. It seems that I've yet to see any story outside of that Alice in Wonderland one on here involving deflation as normally seen on TV.

Aside from the unrealism of it (which frankly, shouldn't be an issue considering the subject), what do you think the reason for the lack of these is?


I think there might be ONE story with deflation like that. As for why there aren't as many...I don't know. Fans of popping won't like it, while those that dislike it, um...I dunno.


If you want it and can't find it, write it for yourself. You can pull yourself up by your bootstraps, man!

RenegadeKamui's picture
hfilled wrote:
I think there might be ONE story with deflation like that.

At least two that *I* know of ;)

Teen Titans: Ever More
Minimum Wage III: Celebrity Babysitter (revised)

I know neither of them give all that much space to deflation, but there they are. As for images, there's only one I can think of, offhand.

Probably uncontrolled deflation doesn't get much attention because it means the inflation is over, and most authors/artists prefer to leave their girls inflated or pop them. But it occurs to me that deflation needn't be absolute.

Take an example of a girl being continuously inflated by some internal source, possibly with an external control point. Carnatic's "Remotes" series, with its helium capsules, comes to mind. When the pressure builds to a certain point, it forces its way out whatever orifice the author chooses, making her fly around for a while, until the pressure subsides enough for the deflation to stop. Then the gas starts building up again, and so the cycle repeats. This prevents her from reaching the "remote control" to stop her inflation; every time she gets near it, she flies away again. Thus, you can work repeated inflation into a story.

I might consider writing a story from this concept, but if anyone else wants to run with it, please feel free!

Inflate123's picture

Yep, as others have suggested, deflation is a letdown for me; I think the tension building, not releasing. But as for why no cartoony endings to an otherwise tension-building story...most stories I've read (and written) are grounded in a realistic setting, and perhaps that's just too cartoony for an otherwise "plausible" story environment. Like, the inflation, that's fine and "realistic" somehow -- but deflation somehow breaks the illusion?

Somedude wrote:
If you want it and can't find it, write it for yourself. You can pull yourself up by your bootstraps, man!


I'm not wanting it, I'm just wondering why it's so rare. Considering it's almost always involved on TV, it's something I've been pondering for a bit.

LutherVKane's picture
cboy wrote:
I'm just wondering why it's so rare. Considering it's almost always involved on TV, it's something I've been pondering for a bit.

That depends on what sort of TV you're talking about. You rarely see it in live-action television, but it's a standard gag in cartoons.

AlecDeluxe's picture

Also worth mentioning: "Great Inflations Part One." The author's an obnoxious self-promoter, but there's another example.

I want to pop so much I could burst!

Auriga's picture

What do you mean? Inflation, then deflation back to normal shape?
Or deflating further: letting all air out, becoming 'crumpled heap of rubber'?

WakkaFan's picture

That style of deflation has always struck a chord with me. Then again, I was around those sorts of situations watching all those cartoons in my youth so it doesn't surprise me there.

http://wakkafan.deviantart.com/ Check out my deviant art. The dreaming god has awakened; you hardly remember dying. Before you ask I actually do end some of my sentences with "ya?".

AlecDeluxe's picture
Auriga wrote:
What do you mean? Inflation, then deflation back to normal shape?
Or deflating further: letting all air out, becoming 'crumpled heap of rubber'?

Inflation, springing a leak, whizzing around the room, and landing in normal shape.

I want to pop so much I could burst!