"Inflation Theory"

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"Inflation Theory"

First of all no one inflates in this video, but I still recommend everyone to watch the short clip.

In this universe we can't achieve inflation like cartoon characters. But what if the laws of physics were different at another universe? Check it out.



Guth? They were interviewing him for this material? At least they got the name of the series correct: Sci Fi Science. More like Irwin Allen Science.

(Geez, and they joke about xenobiology being the only science without a subject.)

ASIAN!'s picture

Xenu save us!


Oh, absolutely perfect, Asian! Have you seen the "illustrated" version on line? Nobody blows up in that one, either, although a lot of Thetans are made when a volcano is blown up with an A-bomb. And the word "science" is in the name, too, which makes it all right.