break up inflation

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break up inflation

I don't know about anyone else, but if my girlfriend broke up with me for a real twat, id have to blow her up.
id buy a helium tank, a long hose and id sneak into her room at night, tie her up, dress her in something like this
or this, with a belt
lock the door, and ducktape the hose to her mouth, cut her hands free (she wouldnt be able to rip the tape, then turn on the helium and watch her inflate until she explodes :)
or, instead of exploding, wait until she is huge, plug up her ass so no gas can get out, tie her to the chair and leave her there, with the door locked :lol:

wat would you guys do??????

peace out :idea:


I hope your girlfriend never reads that



darth_clone19's picture

Id do the same, but she doesnt have to leave me :)

 -   Read my stories: 

ASIAN!'s picture

Holy rage Batman


well you see she keeps flirting with this right prick called james, and i just know she will break up with me, and i am very temted to inflte her for that
actually, i mite just tell her about the fetish and see if she would inflte for me:)


I'd uhh...not murder her?


LOL I wouldnt really, its like a dream that i had, clearly not a nice one, but no, i would never do that. Tempting but no, i wouldn't. If i ever did an inflation shot, it would be in one of my films, ive got two planned. One about a virus thats kills people and one of the women inflates and explodes, and the other is a gang film where this guys girlfriend betrays him, about like what we've been talking about, and to punish her he inflates her until she explodes.

However, no, i wouldnt do that.

Tempting. Tempting though


This is why you put a note at the end of your post that says 'This is just a story/fantasy idea' otherwise you do tend to come off as a bit of a psycho.

As for the other part; I think the ultimatum 'hey honey, either blow yourself up like a balloon or we're over' is likely to drive her into the arms of James, no matter how much of a prick he may be. Especially so if she has no idea of your fetish.


well let's conclude it by saying, nothing will happen, as long as i act more BF around her when she is around him, i should be alrite.

If im honest, i decided to write this topic down after i watched bambi blaze's breakup blowup, and i just thought about doing that in the same case with myself.

If anyone has that video, can you pm me?
I'd really like to see it again :)