Random things that trigger body inflation thoughts

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Random things that trigger body inflation thoughts

Greetings everyone...

Sorry I haven't posted in ages.
Yeah work and "RL" doesn't let me check in as much as I like.

Anyway... just happened to come across this little demo video on the Ujena swimsuit site.
(In my favorite spot, the skin-tight one piece swimsuit area.)


Viewing this video brought one thought to mind. Yep you guessed it.
"Boy, I'd like to inflate her out of that swimsuit."

So, I was wondering...
Are there any random, everyday type of occurrences that trigger body inflation thoughts??

Would love to hear a few thoughts...

I'll be sticking my Bill more often.

Keep Inflating,


AlecDeluxe's picture

I love those Ujena vids! You're always guaranteed at least 1 booty shot. But as to the question...

The oddest time that leaps to mind was when I was at work, and I was talking to a female co-worker (not even a particularly attractive co-worker), and I was telling her, "You can't overfill these boxes here, but as for these, you can stuff them till they pop." As soon as the words were out of my mouth, I felt my face turn red and I got a total woodie. Like I say, it wasn't even a hot situation; I just didn't realize until that moment how effective certain key words were to my inflationary id.

I want to pop so much I could burst!


When I see a balloon or someone using a bicycle pump, when someone uses the word "blowing up" or other inflation related words, when someone wears a diving suit, astronauts, etc.
I think there is everyday something which makes me think of inflation.


I work in a carpentry shop where we use pneumatic tools every day, and it took me a good couple of years to get used to handling air hoses and compressed air in general without letting my mind immediately wander to more interesting uses for compressed air. And every now and then there's a joker in the shop who makes a reference to sticking an air blower nozzle where the sun don't shine, ya know, for laughs. :roll:


Aside from hearing inflation-related noises and comming across certain words that deal with expansion in general, I always kind of daydream about inflating myself in the shower 'accidentally'.

There were a few times when my boyfriend was playing around on the computer and kept talking about 'popping' people on a FPS. And for some reason he always rubs at my belly when we're cuddled up, which just makes me think of being blown up for some reason.


Hi guys and gals, long time lurker, first time poster here.

I remembered a couple of months ago when i was out with this girl i really liked; she picked up a bicycle pump from a friend of hers and i asked what that was for and she replied, "Thats for getting myself fat." as a joke. I started blushing as that picture formed in my head.

Sigh, i can dream.

TraineeInflator's picture

I know what you mean. It was earlier I asked if it was wierd that the sound from the hissing at the dentist. I know why they use but at a younger age,even now i can't help but get a little excited at the idea of someone rounding out and then bouncing down the steps and out the door. But most of all me!

The 6"5 Beachball, Helium balloon, heck whatever is here!


Well, it's odd, but ever since I got into blueberry inflation, I've been kinda turned on by people chewing gum.

TomBerryFan wrote:
Well, it's odd, but ever since I got into blueberry inflation, I've been kinda turned on by people chewing gum.

Yes, I have the same effects, but only when I see cute girls doing that of course


The thing that always gets me is girls in dresses wearing a belt just under the chest (similar to the original violet costume from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)

I can't stop myself daydreaming about inflating them till it pops off, especially so if they're already on the plump side.

Inflate123's picture
TomBerryFan wrote:
Well, it's odd, but ever since I got into blueberry inflation, I've been kinda turned on by people chewing gum.

I'm not really in the blueberry camp, though Wonka had a strong effect. A friend I'd known for years came to my office one day and, bearing a slight facial resemblance and wearing an outfit with a belt, chewed gum through our appointment. SO distracting...

Inflate123 wrote:
A friend I'd known for years came to my office one day and, bearing a slight facial resemblance and wearing an outfit with a belt, chewed gum through our appointment. SO distracting...

Tell me about it, There's just something about those situations I both love and hate. Love the physical embodiment of what is normally fantasy but hate the fact it feels like someone's just pushing your buttons.

I was on the bus on Saturday night coming back from a friends BBQ when a group of girls got on (all early twenties I'm guessing). The were all dressed up and obviously going clubbing. Normally I wouldn't pay much notice but one of them caught my eye.

She was pretty, slim and very top heavy. What made me do a double take was her dress; it was a black and white strapless mini dress with a big V cutaway to show off a large amount of cleavage ready to pop out at any second. The combination of slim girl, tiny dress and large chest made it look exactly as if she'd started off flat but then been pumped up till she was ready to explode out.

I spent the rest of the journey home unable to think straight or shake the image.