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I've never had an inflation fetish or found it at all interesting; however, I'm open-minded and I'm curious why y'all are into it?

Like, what about it is attractive? Does it have any kind of specific symbolic reason for being sexually appealing to you?

I'm just really curious. Like, for example, I'm into bondage because I enjoy letting the other person take control, you know? I'm just really curious what's attractive about inflation.


I can, of course, only speak for myself -

Symbolically, it lies in the tension between the inside and outside of your body. The idea is that something inside you is basically revolting against the constraints of your skin, your clothes, and social norms. Thus, what's specifically attractive is the humiliation of inflating, the size you become, the tightness of your skin and clothes, and fear of bursting. As to why this turns us on, you'd have to ask Freud to probe deep into our subconscious for that.

Here's a question for you: How did you come across this fetish? Anything in particular that makes you curious?

Auriga's picture

Well, another approach:
1) Common appeal to ample bust/butt, pliable soft skin, may under some circumstances evolve into appeal to big girls (BBW), and sometimes it can evolve into association with inflatables, similarity is quite obvious. Well, it is a deviation of course, i.e. psychological mechanism develops slightly differently from path intended by nature.
2) Some bright impressions in childhood: comics, balloons, notorious Willy Wonka et.c. people can develop fetishes to even more strange things. It's kind of short circuit in the brain, when some nerve hub dedicated for thing X becomes connected to sexual arouse.
3) Sex dolls. No comments here, it is pretty obvious. However, this motive is quite rare here on BodyInflation (according to my observations)
4) It is tightly connected to domination too, because inflatee is mostly dominated by inflator. More then 50% inflations are involuntary.
May be some more, but I think this is enough.

darth_clone19's picture

At least, for guys, the thought of inflation is pretty compatible with how we feel sexual tension. Our journey to an orgasm actually feels as if our body filled up, until it gets ready for release.

Cant speak for gals though hehe

 -   Read my stories: darth-clone19.deviantart.com 

Fleetingsanity's picture

For me I would say it's a lot more simple I've always been a fan of big tits even before I ever came across the concept of Breast Expansion. However when I did I really liked the idea I thought the concept of a woman's boobs growing bigger. I mean why wouldn't I, I love big tits so this was a natural step for me. Now mind you I only like it when it is enjoyable for the woman involved in the story or art or morph. But it's purely fantasy for me just something to add to my big bust fetish to make it more fun and sexy. So ya that's my reason for liking breast expansion I will say I'm not a fan of body inflation though the idea of a womans entire body filling up like a balloon does nothing for me personally.

Falcon Pawnch!


I started with cartoon characters inflating as a kid and now I'm into this...This fetish has always been with me.


Honestly i blame cartoons. i believe that it started as a completely nonsexual thing when i was very young, kind of more of just an interest, but then evolved into a fetish around puberty.

Ill admit that I am not at all proud of my fetish, but its something that really just cant be helped at this point lol. whatever floats your boat, right?


I agree.


I think you DO understand. You mention liking bondage as it gives control to someone else. That's central to many fetishists here. Many of us are as turned on by the lack of control as the actual inflation.

And, as folks mentioned, there is tension building, and I'm sure a comparison could be made between the restrictiveness of the ropes/outfits in bondage and the restriction tied to inflation.

Considering how the body swells and grows during puberty, it may not be such a stretch to link our sexual awakenings (during puberty) with growing bodies, or parts of bodies, and partly explain where the turn-on MAY come from.


A lot of the responses have focused on where people think the fetish comes from, which doesn't necessary explain what it is we enjoy about it--and I think that is what you're really trying to understand.

I don't know your gender, but since you are into bondage (and submissive, it sounds like), for the sake of setting the scene let's pretend you are a submissive woman engaging in an inflation fantasy with a dominant partner who finds voluptuous hourglass figures attractive.

Your partner might inflate you so that your body becomes an extremely large and exagerated hourglass figure and you become immobilized by the size and pressure inside you.

There are many things at play in this scenario. The immobilization is similar to bondage, except it is your own body immobilizing you, which is thrilling because there is no escaping that scenario. And it's also titilating because that which is restraining you is part of you.

Then you can also imagine the sensations of what it would feel like to be inflated like a balloon. In the fantasy the inflation would be as pleasant(or unpleasant) as you like. Latex feels nice on the skin, and even nicer when it inflates against your skin, so it's not a huge "stretch" of the imagination to fantasize about inflation feeling extremely pleasurable.

And I can't leave out the size fetish part of the fantasy. I like to call it the "more to love" principle. If you love someone or something, then more of it is better. In this case we're talking about flesh. If you love big boobs and big butts, then inflating into a very exagerated hourglass figure would be extremely sexy. Throw in the bondage element again and you've been immobilized by your sexy bits growing to unmanageable proportions.

Then there is the balloon element. Balloons are just fun, and now you are one. You take on the properties of being bouncy, light if filled with air, or pleasantly jiggly and wobbly if filled with a liquid. They're fun to watch inflate. In a fantasy you could have a balloon with limitless capacity or one that could pop if not too careful, depending on your preference. In this fantasy, you are that balloon. The possibility of popping if things get out of hand is thrilling to some inflation fans because it introduces an element of fear or anticipation, whereas others might enjoy the idea of limitless capacity allowing you to inflate out of control.

So in this example we have a natural attraction to boobs and butt, bondage, submission, latex, size fetish, and balloon fetish all rolled into one fantasy. Inflation fetishists may not explicitly state that they have any of these fetishes, but an inflation fetishist who would enjoy the fantasy I just described might enjoy elements of these fetishes when they are presented in the context of this body inflation fantasy.

At least, that's how I look at this sort of thing. Everyone enjoys inflation for different reasons, and sometimes a single individual might enjoy different aspects of inflation at different times depending on what kind of mood they're in. Does any of this help you understand why someone would have an inflation fetish?

doubleintegral's picture

Perhaps this will help answer your question:

My inflation fetish manifesto

Questions like yours are exactly why I wrote that, in fact.


Let's say this fetish helps us to let ourselves go a little.


I'm more into suit inflation, so my reasons may be a little different from yours. It's also hard to explain.

It's playfull. The bouncyness, just like the bouncing castle. I loved that. With an inflated suit you can bounce (well, in my fantasy) all the way without getting hurt and float in water. So much fun!

It's harmless and innocent. As I said, you can't get hurt with an inflated suit or stuffed with pillows. People can punch you, but it doesn't hurt! It feels so cosy and safe to have that huge thing around you.

The pressure.
Yeah, I like pressure. It's natural woman like to feel that. Only I want to feel that in another way.

The crazyness.
I don't want to be normal. I want to be crazy! lol. I like crazy, silly and uncommon things. This fetish started with clowns by the way.

The shape.
Admit it, someone being a balloon looks funny! And also cute. I like the funny and cute look!

It excites me to be not able to touch my body because there is air in the way! Also not being able to walk and move normally.



It's a matter of fact: inflation is good to us because it's also funny and sometimes makes you really laugh.


I like to watch inflation or some one getting inflated because the shape of their bodies, how big they can get, their expressions, their immobility, and the same things that little pumpkin said

WendigoSkin wrote:
It's a matter of fact: inflation is good to us because it's also funny and sometimes makes you really laugh.

Yeah, I'm getting excited even more when someone laughs about it.

AlecDeluxe's picture

I think these points have been touched on before, but just to highlight them:

1) The orgasmic symbolism. I think I picked up on this even as a kid, long before I knew what an orgasm was: the idea of getting bigger, bigger, bigger, and BOOM! Orgasmic.

2) The submission/domination thing. Personally, I'm sexually submissive, so being controlled (inflated) in such humiliating fashion, and being totally in a woman's power has always appealed to me. Again, I picked that up as a kid before it became sexual: I wanted girls in my grade-school classes to pop me, even though I couldn't stand them. I didn't know why--all I knew is it gave my younger self boners... kind of like now.

I want to pop so much I could burst!

AlecDeluxe wrote:
I think these points have been touched on before, but just to highlight them:

1) The orgasmic symbolism. I think I picked up on this even as a kid, long before I knew what an orgasm was: the idea of getting bigger, bigger, bigger, and BOOM! Orgasmic.

2) The submission/domination thing. Personally, I'm sexually submissive, so being controlled (inflated) in such humiliating fashion, and being totally in a woman's power has always appealed to me. Again, I picked that up as a kid before it became sexual: I wanted girls in my grade-school classes to pop me, even though I couldn't stand them. I didn't know why--all I knew is it gave my younger self boners... kind of like now.

Seconded and carried.
For me, the idea of being not only helpless but vulnerable to a sexy strong female was a common theme in many of my sex fantasies growing up. The fact I grew up in the late 70's early 80's when Wonder Woman was on the air did not help matters...

and then be forcefully inflated further and further, until release was achieved.

Inflate123's picture

I like curvy women. Inflated women take curvy to the extreme. It's just more of a good thing for my personal preferences.

I also third the previous motion. The build up and the loss of control are both major factors.

airtankgirl5's picture

Honestly, it still confuses the hell out of me. There's no doubt I am wholly enamored of it, but I can't really tell why.

I'm very fit and in good shape, and its pretty easy to see that expanding the hyper hourglass figure has a direct relationship to the level of sexiness I feel. No problem.

But I am also totally drawn to inflating more than just the hourglass. I don't know why I like the thought of being big and fat, because I don't in rl, but I do in fantasy. Being all big and stuffed and full and soft....oh. Oh my.

Ahem, anyway...

As I'm sort of an Alpha female in rl, I do see a certain contrary hidden appeal of being inflated involuntarily, which is my preference. I'm professional, successful, young for my position, fit and attractive. I'm POSITIVE there's some woman in my office who'd like to see me fattened up and embarrassed ;).

I definitely like shared inflation, where the inflatees can commiserate over their condition. That's totally my female "I want to talk about it, not fix it"


For me, it's the helplessness, the fact that it's a weakness inside me that I can't remove but is imposed upon me, plus the ides of constantly increasing size and pressure.
Also (to me at least) the idea of such a complete and utter grand exit w/o a trace of me is, for some reason, an incredible turn-on to me. It implies such complete power over me...which is why sexy strong women are featured in my fantasies doing this to me.

Go figure.