New (Err..old) Cartoon Clothing/Suit Inflation Find

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New (Err..old) Cartoon Clothing/Suit Inflation Find

Maybe someone saw this before me, but in James Bond Jr. a villainess named Barbella has her outfit inflated by "hyper helium."

She's actually a bit muscular in terms of appearence (clearly a female Arnold Schwarzenegger parody), but a female character nonetheless. I love how round her outfit gets, and the pop afterwards. :-)

Definitely didn't see this as a kid.

Inflate123's picture

Long ago I heard someone mention this scene but it did not surface at the time. Nice that you found it!

However, it took me a while to realize the one in gray was a girl...


Cool! She won't be a Venus, but at least there is some female inflation in cartoons!


Despite the character being very ugly and manly, the expansion itself wasn't bad.