Have you ever tried to imagine inflation stories or drawings set in different ages from hours?
Up to now I've invented chracters from Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Middle Ages and Viking Age.
Any other ideas from you?
Historical inflation
One gal did a bunch of Everquest/World of Warcraft stuff, I'll find the link somewhere; I did one Amazon story that got mostly good feedback, but didn't get much demand for more...is this a request?
Here it is: http://dizzy-oni-girl.deviantart.com/
One gal did a bunch of Everquest/World of Warcraft stuff, I'll find the link somewhere; I did one Amazon story that got mostly good feedback, but didn't get much demand for more...is this a request?
No, don't worry, I'm not very interested in Warcraft et similia.
whats the difference? if you are gonne inflate them, say, in the middle ages, its gonna have to be through magic, just like in WOW inflation stories.
Not necessarily if we think of water inflation and weight gain.
Bellows have existed for thousands of years.
I see what you mean...
Jonathan Swift actually wrote at least two inflation scenarios in the seventeenth century. One of them involved bellows.
He was such a great man...And what the other one was?
I do seem to remember seeing two inflation-type stories over at The Overflowing Bra some time ago, one set in a fantasy Middle Ages, and another set in Greek times using Greek mythology. Can't remember the names, and pure inflation may not have been the theme, but rather enlargement, but otherwise, it may be worth looking into.
can somebody actually confirm bellows have existed for THOUSANDS of years?
2300+ years (wikipedia, Cast Metals Technology, 4th Ed., Silvia Gern); There are Chinese records of Dual Piston Bellows being used around 300 BCE. I suspect they've been around in much more primitive forms for quite a bit longer - you can't make wrought iron without a bellows, for instance - you simply can't get a fire hot enough.
Found it! They were a pair of Happyguy stories.
BE and History: the Ancient Greeks
BE and History: the Knights of the Round Table
And the Romans used a type of water pump/siphon wagon to fight fires in their noble city as well. Also quite useful...
Both of the BE in History stories were done by happyguy, who is absolutely epic in his ability to tell a BE/inflation story.
IF you enjoyed that, I also suggest the 'choose your own adventure BE'.
I've got characters that would be considered Medieval I suppose? It's a continuing story that has different races...think DragonAge/LOTR/Oblivion involving inflation would be the best way to say it.
Those of you who volunteered to be injected with praying mantis DNA, I've got some good news and some bad news. Bad news is we're postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we've got a much better test for you: fighting an army of mantis men.