Other People & Inflation Scenes

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Other People & Inflation Scenes

Have you ever got together with some peers and watched a TV show or film where a character inflates? Did they laugh or chuckle at the goofiness of it or make some sort of clever remark regarding their blimpish state? Or is it common for many to simply shrug off the inflation gag and focus on the rest of the movie with no reply.

Also, I think I heard that some of the people on this website show movies with inflation scenes to their lovers and see what kind of reactions they have before admitting their bizarre little interests to them. I'm kind of curious to hear how those went as well.


I've always been able to hide my reactions during this scene while everyone was laughing.


What scene are you talking about?


Sorry, I meant to write "these scenes".


A long time ago I caught a rerun of That 70's Show, the one that had the Willy Wonka parody and Jackie inflates into a blueberry and my friend just cracked a joke about it, but I just pretended to be indifferent towards it, since I really liked it ^^;

But yeah, that's pretty much the only moment I had watching inflation scenes with other people.

Inflate123's picture

When I was young and the original Willy Wonka was on TV for holidays, I remember having distinct reactions. First time I saw it, I cried -- it had an effect on me even though I was, like, seven, and had no idea what buttons it was pushing. It didn't create my fetish, but it did suddenly connect with whatever was there. My parents weren't sure why I was crying and neither was I.

Next time it was on TV was a few years later. I laughed this time -- really hard, really loud, really way too much. I was overcompensating because I knew this fascinating scene was going to make me react so I decided I would prove to people in the room that everything was fine. Yeah...mission not really accomplished.

Third time? I was a teenager and I just shut up.

Since then, any time something like that pops up, I just play it straight but my wife gives me a knowing look.