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Recent Experience

Just wanted to share an experience I had with an friend of mine. We have been friends with benefits for a bit now, and she is a petite girl. 85 pounds, a-cup, just slim all around. Recently she has wanted to get bigger boobs, but with money being tight she has been out of luck. We found an oil online that if you rub a dime sized amount onto the skin of the chest, within a month you should see results... way too long of course but eh. The other day I was putting it on her and got in the mood and we started messing around. Without thinking I had left the bottle of oil uncapped next to the floor and I kicked it over. She got pissed cause the little bottle cost her 25 bucks, but I did the first thing I could think of.... I put my bare palm in the oil and rubbed a large amount on her chest. She laughed at this so I did it again. She started to freak out cause she thought this would cause a rash but we went back to foolin around and it was intense cause the only thought goin through my mind was that her boobs would start growing crazy (not possible, but my imagination was spot on). No rash and no side effects, and no extra large boobs either... just thought I would share lol


As it happens, in my work i have helped women increase the size of their breasts. I wouldn't do it that way though because i feel sceptical about whether it would work. There are other ways of doing it. Anyway, thanks for sharing.



What kind of work do you do?


I'm a reluctant herbalist. I have occasionally helped women who want bigger breasts but it's not very common for them to come to me for that reason.



So you just take requests? And is it like a pharmacist just growing your own plants?


Nice story, though if you and your friend really think that stuff works, I've got an excellent bridge I'd love to sell you.


No, it's more like a doctor who uses plants instead of drugs, biggerisbest. So i can knock things up, e.g. the inflation pill idea, which wouldn't be herbal obviously, but more like diet coke and mentoes. One thing i do which is inflation-related is use herbal muscle relaxants to increase my own inflation.



Lmao nah, I know its full of shit but its fun to dream, obviously its not doin anything for her but she has her hopes. And true nineteenthly, that's pretty awesome.


Thanks. It works as a prop even if it doesn't literally. I don't know if the stuff's legal where you are - it isn't in Italy, for example, but it is here in the UK - but there's a good relaxant called Viburnum opulus which i've used before. Or you could just use lavender oil, which is easier to get hold of.



Thanks, I will have to check em out.