are You or any of Your relatives in a heroic line of work : soldier , police man , fire man or other line of work ware they help people but that's likely to get a person killed ? , click the first one that applies.

I'm in such a line of work (I think the world might need more good people like You)
0% (0 votes)
every one else in Your family ?
40% (2 votes)
one or more of Your siblings if any brother sister is a hero (take care of them) ?
0% (0 votes)
a direct ancestors with in past 3 generations ?
20% (1 vote)
a cosine or cosines?
0% (0 votes)
I don't know ?
0% (0 votes)
every one in Your family is a cowered ?
40% (2 votes)
0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 5
jonathan856's picture

as for Me
I'm an only child.
my grate grand father was a pilot in world wore 1 almost suicide.
my grand father was an aeronautical engineer not allowed to serve in world war 2.
one of my cosines was in the air force deceased.
one of my cosines was in the army He is trying to become a cop now
one of my uncles was in the 101 airborne.
the other was an air force technician in Vietnam.
I know there are more in my family but I think Iv mentioned enough.
and more than one woman has said I should be a maney (mail nanny).

I want to know if I'm the only one that feels like a let down?
I work in a machine shop not the safest job.
am I the only one that feels guilty about not being a hero?
I just don't want to be shot at.

this fetish can be associated with heroics
this fetish is meant to make it easier for You to reproduce.
if some in a family are meant to fight and die others must be meant to stay behind
to help take care of the ones that are still alive
and reproduce to carry on the family.
pleas click a poll option to help prove or disprove this theory

can You cum up with a better explanation for this fetish or why heroes have not gone extinct yet?

the main point is that You should make something of Your self.

living in a way that is too safe is a fate worse than death.if a person never takes a risk then they never lived at all! the freedom of speech is the freedom to resolve all problems & differences without violence.


I don't think you should feel crappy. To do one of those jobs you list takes more than just being willing to put your life on the line. You have to be fit, even if I wanted to be a fireman, there's no way I could get in good enough shape to do it.

I don't think fetishes are genetic, a tendency toward doing 'heroic' jobs might be, but unless you isolated the gene for it, or found enough identical twins that had grown up in different families you'd never be able to tell the difference between a genetic predisposition and one that comes from growing up among people who do these jobs.

Also, the vast majority of policemen, firemen, soldiers etc. don't die and do live to pass on their genes, so I don't think you can say that they 'should' have gone extinct.

And I don't get the statement 'this fetish is meant to make it easier to reproduce'. How so? It's a fetish, it isn't 'meant' to do anything.