New to inflation

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New to inflation

Hi everyone. I've only gotten into body inflation in the last few weeks but I decided I would post and introduce myself. Oh, and I'm a girl. (I know, I know, "pics or gtfo". Sry. :roll: )

I didn't even know this fetish existed until my roomie's boyfriend told her that he was into it. She told me about it, of course, and I thought it was one of the most ridiculous things I'd ever heard of. He encouraged her to check out some different stuff so that she could get some exposure to it and see if she liked it, so that night she and I looked at some pictures and stories. The verdict was that it was really really weird stuff and she definitely did not like it (and neither did I).

A few days later though, I had a dream about one of the stories we had laughed at, and I remembered liking the dream while I was dreaming it. I woke up thinking I was crazy, but it happened again a couple nights later. I finally sat down and reread a couple of the stories we had read before and it had a totally different effect on me. Since then I have been reading more stories and have become more and more attracted to body inflation.

I'm still trying to understand a lot of this, especially why body inflation turns me on. Especially since I'm definitely not bi or anything (sorry guys, lawl :P) but I like reading about other women inflating. Then again, I also have a fetish for people (including women) turning into animals and inanimate objects so I guess I shouldn't be surprised...

Also I may try writing some inflation poems since I fancy myself good at poetry. And sorry to those of you whose stuff we made fun of (I won't say who, though, since I feel kinda bad about it now).

"Tell him about the twinkie."

bloatingtillexploding's picture

Welcome to the forums. You'll find that a majority of the community are respectful individuals.

Enjoy your stay!

-Just another weirdo


Welcome aboard.

Fleetingsanity's picture

Welcome to the forums. As for liking reading about women inflating well you did dream about it maybe you like to think about those other women as you? None the less I'm sure you'll find out all you need to know here. We're all friendly and happy to answer questions.

Falcon Pawnch!


I am the Keymaster.

No, really. I know I'm a guy, but let's just go with this.

I mean... Uh... Yeah. Hello.

Fleetingsanity's picture

Go laugh at this do it do it now.

Falcon Pawnch!


Welcome to our community.

Out of interest, do you remember which stories you read, and which one you dreamed of?