Revealing to others

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Fleetingsanity's picture
Revealing to others

So I had a look (with the search feature) and I didn't see one so I figured I would start one. Has anyone revealed their fetish to friends or boyfriends/girlfriends?

I know I haven't myself personally. My friends know I like bit tits but that's about it. They know nothing of my love for breast, belly, or butt inflation. And I plan to keep it that way I'm sure they wouldn't really care in the long run but they would probably give me a lot of shit just for a laugh starting out.

Falcon Pawnch!


Well my ex and my best friend (who is a girl) both know I like big tits and asses. They also are both petite girls with few curves to speak of, and know that I am turned on when they eat a lot and pudge up. I love when they can't button their pants up anymore. My ex knows I like when she puts stuff in her bra to make her boobs look huge but she doesn't know I wish I could make her actual boobs do that. So technically no they don't know of the inflation part, but I am prolly verry close to revealing it to at least one of them.

AlecDeluxe's picture

My girlfriend knows that I want her to inflate me till I pop... tho I don't know how much she really "gets" it. I don't think she understands that I think about inflation the way other people think about literal intercourse. But, yeah, on paper, she knows.

I want to pop so much I could burst!

Blue_Eyes's picture

I did reveal to my ex girlfriend. After an about an hour or so of explaining/showing what it was, she was comfortable with it, to the point of sending descriptive texts and while during intimate times and so on.
Also I have a very close friend, she is also aware of my likes and dislikes and will sometimes poke fun/etc whenever something along the lines comes up.

Those of you who volunteered to be injected with praying mantis DNA, I've got some good news and some bad news. Bad news is we're postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we've got a much better test for you: fighting an army of mantis men.

xxRainbowFalloutxx's picture

I don't know how my ex never found out, I dropped so many hints it wasn't funny. I also told my best friend at the time I had a silly fetish, but he never guessed right( I didn't think he would anyway).


My wife loves th idea of turning me into a blueberry. Id be completely helpless n at her mercy which turns her on. She wants to have me hypnotized to eventually experience blowing up as a berry but also with other changes. Lol. If only fantasies cud become reality sometimes.

Inflate123's picture

My wife knows. Thank heavens I told her. It's been awesome.

(This has been a topic of discussion before but not in some time, and it probably wasn't too obviously named.)

Fleetingsanity's picture

This is a retro revival then lol. It's kinda cool that it does work out well for some people. I've never really thought I had a good opportunity to reveal it myself at least to a girlfriend maybe I'll have to and try to be a little more ambiguous next time.

Falcon Pawnch!


I've never told anyone but I don't think I'll ever have to, since my odds of ending up with a girl I can trust are non-existent.


Nah lateralus. U think like that it may turn out that way but I hope u find a good one like I did.


Yes, several people close to me know and I intend to reveal it to others slowly. So far, everyone accepts it. In the long run I've introduced everything slowly, in a process that slowly leaves reality. I don't just "come out" clean, it's a process that makes it comfortable for both parties.

People who know. My sibling, parents, grandparent, love, friend, and hints to several misc family members.

All in all, I do things slowly and most people accept it without liking it. And except for one or two, no one pokes fun at it. In fact, my Love enjoys playing with the ideas so much that now if she ever sees a sign of it she gets... shivers simply at memories of what we do together.

My process? Hope I'm not boring anyone.

I introduce the idea of preferring plump women, curvier, or even unusually voluptuous women.
Say the form of pregnancy is very beautiful or 'dare I say sexy' and desirable in its own way.
Express an interest in weight gain, implants, pregnancy, or stuffing. Then explain it's because of the slight 'growth.'
Explain that, in the end, the idea is more fun and sexy than the actual act.
Usually in context of balloon blowing up, watching cartoons or shows, or similar situation. Say that such an act has similar effect of more 'natural' growths.
Outright state that inflation is a turn on.
Then, and only if the person is close to me in a romantic way, (in other words only one person ever) imply that popping is a direct analogue to passionate climax.

Really that's all to it. It has worked for me several times. But of course, not everyone is like me or is surrounded by understanding people. So hope my ramble didn't bore anyone. It's crazily long.

There is definitely something thrilling about inflation. Something delightly soft with expansion. And exhilirating about popping!


My wife knows.

I basically sat down and told her, expecting looks of incredulity and shock. But I think she was expecting me to tell her something 'bad', so she was actually okay with it.

Not that she's into roleplaying it or anything, but I just wanted to be open with her.


I've yet to tell anyone in my personal life about my fetish, and I'm not sure if or when I'll ever be able to.

My family tends to be extremely up-tight when it comes to sex, and considers anything beyond the most traditional, 'vanilla' sexual inclinations to be shameful and decadent in the extreme.

They also believe very strongly that there are some things about you that other people - including your spouse - simply 'do not need to know'. Revealing these personal secrets to anyone (including your spouse) is considered a profoundly selfish and inconsiderate act, and one for which you fully deserve to be punished with rejection or ostracization. Sexual tastes are among these 'forbidden' subjects.

I don't know if I'll ever meet a girl I can comfortably share/reveal my fetish too (sheer nervousness would be as much an obstacle as anything), but I suppose time will tell. One can only hope.

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."


My girlfriend knows, and she encourages me. She doesn't even understand why I don't tell anyone else. It's pretty awesome to have such support. Plus, she is now 7 weeks pregnant, and hornier than ever. I'm livin the dream, boys. Well, somewhat. :lol:

Bbwhite wanted to be a balloon,

Filled up like one, and popped like one too.


I have a few friends that looked through my computer for my porn stash that have found out about it, and a couple that have their own sexual fetishes. Not a big deal between either of them. Never really spoken to a woman IRL about this matter though.

Fleetingsanity's picture

I keep my porn folder well squirreled away on my comp so hopefully no one will come across it. Or I might have the same thing happen to me lol.

Falcon Pawnch!


Doesn't matter. Give me 5 minutes on your comp, I will find everything, even if the files are hidden in a crazy web of folders or just completely hidden.

Fleetingsanity's picture

Well thankfully while my friends while comp savvy they aren't that comp savvy lol.

Falcon Pawnch!

inflatingclothes's picture

recently I have on facebook. she is into all kinds of fetish's

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