You like spherical dresses?

53% (16 votes)
yes, but in a different way then inflation
20% (6 votes)
27% (8 votes)
Total votes: 30

I'm curious, are there people who like spherical dresses like this:
or this:
(not the perfect example)

When someone drawed a pumpkin dress on the site where I come often, I was totally confused for a couple of weeks. Especially when I read the comments. ("Awesome dress, I want it!" "me too" "you can have it, but you must dance in it!")

darth_clone19's picture


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I like the idea of them in the inflatable sense. I'm drawn towards clothes that look "puffed", or pneumatic in appearance. I've made a couple attempts on an inflatable dress before, but I have never come out with something I was happy with.

The pictures there are a interesting way of approaching the skirt. I rather like that appearance.

Fairia's picture

I hope "yes" means dresses that look like you've been inflated spherically.


The famous Japanese fashion designer Miyake Issei has done several actual inflatable spherical dresses that I always thought were pretty cool.

Inflate123's picture
Fukureruba wrote:
The famous Japanese fashion designer Miyake Issei has done several actual inflatable spherical dresses that I always thought were pretty cool.

Got any photos? I'm intrigued.


I want to see photos too.


I'll see if I can LV to post a picture of the dress. I have a better pic on my backups somewhere, but I can't find it.

The picture I was hoping to find had the dress blown up more spherically than this, but I think it's the same dress in a brown color.