Which Inflation Adventure Finalist would you like to see made?

Inflation Competitions or Sports
27% (14 votes)
Supernatural Items or House
39% (20 votes)
Serial Inflationist or Popper
33% (17 votes)
Total votes: 51

Okay, I'm back again. And I am sorry if making a new poll or something turns out to be superfluous or redundant. But I think that I've gathered enough data to at least narrow down the choices to three.

Inflation Competitions and Sports, 21%

A supernatural presence, item or house, 21%

And a serial inflator or popper, 25%

Now these votes don't count the others made, but it narrowed it down to a top three. Which is good.

Now to make a more focused vote, after a few days or the weekend I will open a Choose your Own Adventure scenario based on the results. :D

So which of THESE three would you all like to see as a choose your own adventure story?


I chose Serial Inflationist or Popper


Well... This is interesting...

After the weekend all have the same number of votes... I suppose in this situation I just wait a little longer before choosing. ^_^;


I guess it's my soft spot for minor unwilling inflation that had me pick serial inflationist or popper... Least favorite would have to be the items or house due to the potential lack of number of people

Blowdown's picture

I like the idea of a serial inflater/popper, but It'd be a bit more liked by me if it wasn't filled with cruelty so much as it was filled with sort of SM. Belt squeezing an inflated victim for pleasure blah blah tied up blah blah.

We need more bondage in this zone!