When willl you add another part?
There Sarah stood behind me again; I can’t believe it already had passed 30 minutes. I took a good luck on her and her breasts seemed a bit bloated, but only like mine did, a little bustier, if I may say. She leant over towards me and asked “do you enjoy it here so far?” I Giggled and said “yes, so far so good”, She pulled my hand again and said “let’s go!” as she giggled and danced in front of me. Always so eager I thought to myself.
We arrived at something that looked like a fun house. We entered slowly, and there was a lot of color in the rooms with loads of hoses, tanks, colored liquids and other stuff I didn’t even know what was. As I entered this room, and some clown girl appeared in front of me and blew some dust at me. “Achoo” I went as I sneezed. My boobs jumped up and down, so I reached for them. But they seemed smaller, like if they had returned to normal afer I got shot with the helium gun.”
“Achoo, Achoo!” I sneezed several times more. I could hear someone going “Oohh my..” It was Sarah. I turned around and was about to walk towards Sarah when I felt something warm and soft hitting my face. I didn’t realise for a second until I heard Sarah’s giggling over my head. “Are you enjoying it down there?” I heard her voice and looked up. It was Sarah, and she was tall! “How did you get so tall?” I asked her confused. “I didn’t grow at” she said as she pressed my head against her soft chest and giggled some more. She realised again after a second or two and said “you shrank when you sneezed.” She said as she smiled down on me. At least I had stopped shrinking now.
We entered another room; there was a lot of different bottles with different colours, as purple, glowing green, yellow. Let’s just say it was a lot of them. They all said “Try me.” Fair enough I thought, although I didn’t dare to drink them. Another girl showed up from behind us. She was smiling and said “Hello, my name I Jamie.” She was wearing a blue flower pattern bikini with white background. She was well fit, just as Sarah, but had slightly less size on her boobs. I’d say a 36 C. But I’m not really sure.
We both ended up with greeting her and Jamie replied “Awww.. Aren’t you cute down there?” I replied, “Well, it’s not like I can help it”. I said with a slightly annoyed voice. “Don’t worry about it “Sarah said with a caring voice. Suddenly Jamie ran over to the bottles on the table “I wonder which one I should try?” She was moving her hand in front of them slightly pointed with her tongue out of her mouth, like was unsure. In the end she took the glowing green one and drank it.
First, nothing happened at all then suddenly Jamie started to get loads of hiccups. “I can’t Hiccup! Stop!” she said and giggled as she tried to hold her hands in front of her mouth and stop getting the hiccups. But it was for no use. I could see her belly start swelling slowly but steady; she moved her down and said “But wanted boobs!” The hiccups continued with a fast rate and her belly kept swelling bigger and bigger, after a minute she had to adjust her stance due to the size of her belly. Her upper body started to turn more and more spherical as she continued to hiccup. After about a minute her upper body started to consume her shoulder and slow her arms. Her breast was sticking out like two small balls from the swollen body. She tried to reach around her inflating body. And come with a “Common” Between the hiccups. Her legs were staring to slowly being absorbed by her body now and she was turning more and more spherical. She starts to float upwards slowly but steady towards the roof. Jamie said her goodbyes as I saw the roof opened for her. Me and Sarah smiled back to her and said “nice to meet you!”
Sarah took a step forward and said “My turn!” and giggled as she approached the bottles. “Mmm.. Which to choose” she said. “Black!” I said excited and picked up, and drank it. we waited few seconds. Nothing happened. Sarah asked me if I wanted so, but I just shake my head and went “no, I don’t want to risk getting smaller!” I said slightly annoyed due to the fact I shrank. We were about to leave the current room when we heard a little “hiss” from Sarah. I could see her arse got a little tighter around her dress, but I could barely notice. It just looked like it was tighter, not a big deal. The hissing stopped as quickly as it came. “aren’t you going to blow up like last time?” I asked her and Sarah just replied “doesn’t appear so. But look! There is two doors in front of us. I take the left!” She said excited and run towards the left door. I guess I have no choice but taking the right one then.
As I entered my room I heard a strange voice saying “WRONG CHOICE, `PREPARE TO BE SOMEONE BALLOON FOR 30 MINUTES!” I looked around frightened. Suddenly a girl in in a little bunny suit appeared in front of me. He had huge breast, maybe the twice of Sarah’s and she was wearing high heel boots. She had a little tank with a 2 meter hose from it in her hands. “Are you prepared little one?” Suddenly she charged towards me holding the hose in one hand and the tank sitting well in her belt. It was only a second or two before she was 10 cm away from my face and I could feel her putting something down my panties.
I felt my body get warm, then suddenly I could feel some pressure in my boobs and arse. It had only been a few seconds and I quickly stepped backwards. The bunny girl went “you better run if you don’t want to end up like a balloon” with a scary look on her face. I started to run with all I had, but I couldn’t keep away from her, as my body was to small to match her speed. She quickly caught up with me and I could feel the hose she was holding sleep down my panties behind me. As I tried to fight her off, I could feel the pressure in my breast started to build again. They had gained about 4 centimetres in a about 5 seconds. I slipped away once more and started running around the room. Again she quickly caught up with me and this time I could feel the hoes slip down in front of me, and her breast squeezing against the back of my head. They were both soft and firm. I felt the warm sensation again. My breast grew slowly but steady, and it started to feel good.
I snapped out of it and tried to fight back. But another wave of the warm sensation hit me again. And I could feel my panties where getting tighter around my arse. I turned around to try fighting her off, but it just felt so good I couldn’t help myself. She smiled at with an evil look in her eyes and said “You are staring to enjoy this now, aren’t you?” “No.. I mean.. Y- Yes.” I stuttered for a second. Now I could feel my thighs getting tighter and the warm sensation moved down to my belly. I looked down and see my belly started to swell up. I could watch it get bigger and bigger, until I looked I was 8 months pregnant. The Bunny girl removed the hose and looked at, suddenly I was on my toes for a second and then I was floating in the air. I felt pretty helpless were in the situation I was. My boobs were basketball sized and my butt and thighs and doubled in size and my belly was huge! At least it felt that way.
The bunny girl looked at me, maybe a bit more, but first. She pulled a string from her belt and tied it around my leg. “There we go” she said as she found the hose again and put it down my panties again, I my breast and belly seemed to swell slowly but steady, I could barely reach around my breasts now. The lady stopped and caught the string she bound around my foot. She smiled and looked up on me. “I think your friend in the other room just got herself a personal balloon for the next 30 minutes” she said as she smiled. For some reason I couldn’t talk, the only sound I could make was a “MMM… uIUhhMmff.”
The lady opened the door, and there Sarah was. She looked almost the same as before, her breasts looked slightly bigger than before, but not that all noticeable. She looked up to me and smiled as she said “oh dear, what have you gotten into.” The bunny girl hands Sarah the string and said, here’s your balloon. “Thank you!” Sarah said as she smiled and giggled. The bunny girl turned around and got back to her room.
Sarah danced out of the building with me in the air behind her, just as if I was a balloon. Sarah stopped for a second just outside the building. The hissing sound returned again, her breasts started to grow again lifting her dress a little more, revealing more of her firm thighs. And it stopped again. Her bust was pushing a lot out of her bra, but she didn’t seem to mind it. Again it stopped just as suddenly it had appeared. Sarah decided to keep walking and look for new attractions.
You should write in your next part about a girl who has the helium gun but gets shot by her friends too much and pops