First time poster with a question about suit inflation

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BlueberryBalloon19's picture
First time poster with a question about suit inflation

Hey everyone, i'm a longtime lurker/first time poster.  I've been talking to my girlfriend and she has agreed that sometime in the future we will buy an inflatable suit for her to wear, with the purpose of indulging my fantasies.  The question that i would like to ask is if anyone knows what sellers offer an inflatable suit that becomes combletely (or nearly) round.  Also I do now know much about the duribility of such suits and was wondering if it would be possible for me to roll her around.


On a side note, Nice to meet everyone.


Simple enough, I think what you want is right here.

One round ball suit, and other options.

BlueberryBalloon19's picture




I bought a suit for my wife here:

Had it for 4 years now. Still in good shape

Hi my name is Tom. I run the inflatable chicks yahoo group

BlueberryBalloon19's picture

As soon as we finish college and get our own place, I will indulge myself in this. lol


Thanks for the responses guys!