Hello all,
In honor of Mr. Kane, and the artists like Champagne Moon and all, I am taking requests for drawing your favorite female celebrity inflated. I have created a free Prezi Presentation, so everyone can see which celebrity is on the list. There are actresses like Emma Stone, Kristen Stewart, Kate Beckinsale, and more. Also, I have included some very beautiful singers, who I thought would look great being inflated like Katherine Mcphee, and Avril Lavigne. There is a lot of celebrities to choose from, and I would be happy to draw your favorite celebrity inflated in a scene in a movie like Neve Campbell getting inflated in a scene from Scream 4.
If this is your frist time asking me for a request this is a special offer of having the picture either free and no cost, or cost.
This also goes with any other request that let me do.
First Time Request takers= FREE Drawings from me.
http://prezi.com/pwdlnsu_thne/the-celebrity-inflation-list/ Here is the list for celebrities to be inflated.