Hypnotic inflation

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Hypnotic inflation

Many years ago, i made myself a self-hypnosis tape which included a fantasy about being inflated. Since i used to have a hypnosis fetish, it worked very well, and people who have read my stories will know that hypnosis sometimes comes into them. Nowadays, i'm not even sure hypnosis really works, and it's probably something that works only if you believe in it, but a few days ago i got curious about what the "other me" would've been reading on the internet - i.e. what if i'd lost the inflation fetish and kept the hypnosis one? Well, it turns out there are inflation hypnosis audio files! You have to pay for them, but the idea is that you get hypnotised into imagining that you're inflating.

It seems to me there are three ways of doing this. One would be to be hypnotised into imagining you were inflating, which would be fun and in fact I've tried this. Another option would be to be hypnotised into swallowing air until you were really full but to add an additional hallucinatory effect that you were bigger than you really were. Finally, with two people, you could decide on a trigger word as a post-hypnotic suggestion which would make someone think they were inflating after they "woke up", so in a public situation you could just whisper the word "balloon" to your victim and they'd think they were blowing up.

Obviously there are ethical issues with some of these, particularly the last, and i am myself sceptical about hypnosis, but i was wondering, if I were to put together some audio files about inflation, would anyone like them emailed or uploaded to YouTube? I certainly enjoyed the tape i did for myself a lot.




I'd certainly find that interesting!


I'd certainly find that interesting!

sethshark's picture

Sounds very very interesting. I guess I'm always looking for something new to try, and this sounds like a bit of fun, though I myself am also skeptical about hypnosis actually working.... Still keen!


OK, i can do that. I might even be able to find the old tape and convert the recording. In a way, the scepticism isn't that important because in any case huge inflation leading to floating is completely unrealistic, so being able to suspend disbelief enough to accept you're being hypnotised is dead easy compared to that. It's a big step from reality to "people can be blown up like balloons" but a much smaller one from that to "people can be blown up like balloons and hypnosis works." Also, it might work if you believe it does, or it might even really work!




I've been wanting this kind of thing soooooo badly o.o  I've never been hypnotized before, but if it works, and it can convince me I'm floating to the ceiling ... nnnnnnh ...

darth_clone19's picture

I may be but I know nothing about hypnosis. Wouldnt you freak out if you werent completely gone and still think you were inflating? Wouldnt it be dangerous mentally?

 -   Read my stories: darth-clone19.deviantart.com 


It's a matter of control, and it's a balance i suppose. Hypnosis requires that you at least start off relaxed. You know what's going to happen, roughly, in advance and i think it'd be fine. I've done it myself and it was OK. It's sort of edge-play i think. I've often found i enjoy inflation more in retrospect than when i was actually doing it, and that would be a benefit to it being, well, "powerful".



blowup_boy's picture

I've been trying for years from a couple of audiofiles from wrapmymind one a weightgain trigger the other inflation.

I can (well I think) Get into a state of trance, but nothing happens. I feel nothing, just bordem to be honest. I want it to happen, I've seen hypnosis work. Just these files seem to be doing nothing for me or perhaps i'm doing it wrong.

Hisssssssssssss.. ...uh oh!!


hmm, sounds interesting :) but like with what darth clone said, people would freak out. i mean if it worked on me, and i heard someone say balloon (or whatever the key word would be) just out in public and thought i was inflating... *shudders* embarrissing. On the other hand, in private... yep i can see that working ;) as long as there was a cure or some way to break the hypnosis so i wouldnt be at risk of " inflating" every time someone says the ket word.

great idea! might need to look into this :)


The trigger word could be chosen carefully, but i think it could be exciting to know that all that's needed is for someone to say a particular word and you'd start blowing up.

Blowup_boy, stage hypnotists seem to use techniques to find more suggestible people (or perhaps people who are more likely to play along) before they start their acts in earnest, so maybe you're unlucky. It would sort of work as a kind of roleplay even if it didn't actually work 100%, if you see what i mean. Probably depends on what counts as working, and also what hypnosis actually is.

Anyway, when i get the opportunity, i'll practice and put something together, then stick it on YouTube.



blowup_boy's picture

Would love to hear something! I though perhaps the audio files I have are not any good.

I think my problem is my brian doesn't shut down, relax or stop thinking. I Have issues getting to sleep for the same reason. The moment I stop doing something, my brians thinks about the week ahead, stuff to do or just general thinking.

So could be a problem in that regard.

Hisssssssssssss.. ...uh oh!!

darth_clone19's picture

Any luck we'd get a female hypnotist? ;) You know...I may have a story right there.

 -   Read my stories: darth-clone19.deviantart.com 


Sorry, it'll just be me although i could try to edit the audio to raise the pitch! However, yes, it could and probably will make a good story.



Sticky site lover

My son likes to well tries to inflate anything you can wear like swimsuits and onepeace suits.    He likes to seal them with silicone with a hose in the suits. He like using my air pump or our garden hose.  When I came home he is in an inflated suit that looks like it will explode.   He has a hobby for inflating his suits


would be interesting to see how that works.  Would you see yourself blowing up like a balloon?  Is there a way to prevent the hypnotic trigger while in public?


Choose an obscure word?


So any chance you could post the videos or email the audio files?


Yes, i will do - currently busy doing something else inflation-related, but i will get round to it soon, honestly!



eljacko15's picture

Could you hypnotize someone to believe they were inflating, then hypnotize yourself to believe the very same thing, so that both of you would percieve the initially hypnotized person as being inflated?


Now that is a really interesting question! I suppose what could be done is for some kind of trigger event to set off a post-hypnotic suggestion, like say putting a hose in someone's mouth, and for one person the trigger is "when you feel the hose in your mouth you will begin to inflate" and for the other it's "when you put the hose in THEY will begin to inflate".

This is all highly theoretical of course, but it's a really exciting possibility. Apart from anything else, it potentially makes very convincing inflation roleplay a cheaper option than buying inflatable suits. Then again, suits could be aided by hypnosis - just suggest that the suit is the person's body inside it and you're sorted.



eljacko15's picture

That reminds me, to what extant can hypnosis produce visual hallucinations. Not at all?


I have a whole hypothesis about the nature of the perception of real inflation which makes that difficult to answer. Just as anorexics might perceive themselves as fatter than they really are, or someone with a skin problem can think it's worse than others see it, i suspect the perception of inflation is liable to considerable distortion. I honestly cannot judge how inflated i am objectively either while i'm doing it or when i see images of myself bloated, or compare that to how others do. I may be exaggerating or underestimating - no idea. If this applies to others, and to hypnosis, it could be exploited. You could find yourself convinced that people are bigger than you would perceive them to be in a normal state of mind, and i'm not sure what constitutes hallucination there, if that makes sense.

The other thing is, and i've not tried this, apparently all you need do to make yourself hallucinate visually is to lie completely still for half an hour, which is more easily said than done, so i don't know if it's true.




Wow I would really love this! When you are done, is there anyway i could get an audio file of it? That woud be awesome!



I'm planning to put it on YouTube and also thinking of how to make it freely downloadable as an MP3. DropBox might be a solution. I'm looking at sample hypnosis scripts and putting something together.




Will there be various inflation scenarios besides classic air inflation like say blueberry inflation or just becoming fatter?



Thanks for your patience - currently trying to launch a book. That would absolutely make sense, so yes, good idea. Incidentally, i'm working on an inflation ebook and thought i could include hypnosis scripts in that.




an ebook eh?  will it be on LuLu or some other place?


Yes, lulu.com . In fact, it's nearly finished. It has fifteen stories, more than half of which have not appeared anywhere publically. I'm aiming it partly at fellow inflation fetishists but i'm also trying to explain and introduce the idea to others. The stories are supposed to work in their own right and be thought-provoking for non-inflation people, and possibly also put things in the limelight because of my frustration with therapists, Wikipedia users and TV producers being sceptical or people like that one on deviantart.com defining us negatively in her terms. Basically, i can only speak for myself and am only doing so with the book, but i think there's a risk of prejudice if it's just left for others to comment on what we like.

Anyway, it's not a case of either/or because writing this in itself involves writing a hypnosis script, so it's not going to delay things much. Real life can manage that on its own!




I'm hoping that if I listen to one hynosis audio file over and over again it might work on me, but I haven't had time to try it yet.  It seems as though my imagination has decreased as I've gotten older and I'm hoping hypnosis audio can help me imagine things more easily.


To be honest, this seems a bit scary and interesting at the same time.

Like if this actually work and someone for example walk in on me, problem? xD And how would I snap out of it?



I'll put a bit at the end which brings you out of it.

There's controversy about whether hypnosis is a state or not, which makes this more complex. It could in itself be a sort of fantasy that stereotypical hypnosis occurs at all. But then, we are all able to suspend our disbelief about the possibility of inflation, so it's not too much of a "stretch" (so to speak) to manage it in this respect too. That might quieten your concern somewhat.




would be interesting to try anyway. Hop you will make some progress on it soon! Been a long time since I've seen some cool new content :)


would be interesting to try anyway. Hop you will make some progress on it soon! Been a long time since I've seen some cool new content :)


hey nineteenthly, someone on warpmymind.com made a fat inflation hypnosis clip http://www.warpmymind.com/Files/3769/INFLATION-WEIGHT-GAIN.php


what do you think of it?


I would love for a blueberry hypnosis. I would do it all the time

eljacko15's picture



Has anyone had any success with this?  I've tried it a few times but I can't seem to ... enter trance I guess?  Does anyone have any tips or know who I could ask?


Some people are just more easily hypnotised than others, but that could become a self-fulfilling prophecy because it would probably be true if you thought it was!




There are a couple of video tests on YouTube to test to see if you can be hypnotized, and I passed them ... I'm thinking my problem is more, not knowing how to do this right :P


I would love to be hypnotised like that! I already want this for years! But I don't even know how to hypnotise myself. When I try to inflate in a lucid dream, I don't inflate that big and round like I want to. Hopefully this will help! 


Scripts for going under and waking up now done and recorded.  Now for the chewy centres!

I have the same problem with lucid dreaming.  I think the reason is that i'm not convinced all the muscles are completely paralysed.  It's also probably lack of confidence and a sense of pessimism for me that stops it.  Not saying it is for you at all.





Now recorded three inflation scripts with more to come.  The three i've done so far are "realistic" inflation, "unrealistic" inflation and blueberrification.  I'm also planning to do a posthypnotic suggestion one and a lighter-than-air one.  There is no popping in any of them.  The sound quality is not marvellous either, but it's a start.

One other thing.  Right now, the audio quality is not good and i may redo them, and they're currently WAV files.  Where should i put them and would you prefer them to be MP3s or some other format?  Would you like them on YouTube as audio with images as well?




Putting them on youtube would certainly be convenient, yes.


I'm not sure, youtube has a tendency to tone down the quality of everything.


What about dailymotion?


Right, i've put three on Soundcloud.  Each one starts and finishes in the same way.  Incidentally, the quality is not at all good, so i'm planning to re-record them.  Someone else might want to do that too.  Also, you might want to wait until i've done better recordings than these rather than using them at all right now.  Once i've resolved the audio quality issue, i'll upload some more.  The scripts are also in the ebook.  Anyway, here they are:


- This is a realistic one.


- Unrealistic one.


- Blueberrification one.

I'm also planning to do lighter than air and a posthypnotic suggestion one, and probably more, but i'll get the quality sorted first.




Have you though to do a weight gain one? I would love that! Also any suggestions on how to make sure the hypnosis works perfectly? I believe in hypnosis, I'm just wondering.


I could do weight gain - i have something in mind for that i've tried before which works quite well.  However, i'm not good at imagining food for some reason.

Concerning maximising the effectiveness, i'll have to continue the research, but i have a few tips which might help.  Firstly, i need to re-record them because they're cruddy! That could be distracting.  I think the key might be to go into the process when you feel confident that you have enough time to set aside - about fifteen minutes - and to make sure you're relaxed and confidently expectant that it will work.  Also, it would probably help to be a little tired but not tired enough that lying down and closing your eyes will inevitably lead to going to sleep.  I'm thinking early evening might be best.  Maybe creating a relaxed environment would also help, e.g. the usual sort of thing like candlelight, essential oils, soothing music and a warm bath beforehand.  Finally, i imagine repeating the process would gradually make it more effective, but not over a single evening so much as, say, every night for a week.  However, i'm feeling my way here and i could be wrong.  Last thing at night is probably not a good idea because of the waking up bit at the end.

Anyway, i tried them all last night.  It would've helped if i hadn't stuck them all on the same player, one after another, because i was aware that unless i deliberately turned it off, i'd just go into the next file and that was distracting.  I also found that lying on my back was difficult because i'm not comfortable in that position, but to do what it says would involve being in that position.  That was problematic. I did it that way because i think of inflation as occurring upwards from a lying position and felt it would interfere with suspension of disbelief to lie on the front or sides.  I may change this.  Of all three, blueberrification worked the best for me, which is interesting because it was the one i was least into.  I don't know if that worked best because it was fresh to me.

There's more to come, don't worry, with better sound quality.  I think Soundcloud can only be a temporary place though because it only gives you two hours' worth for free.

Edit:  One other thing which might help.  With the blueberrification, i suggest that the listener is wearing blue clothes and a red belt and chewing blue gum.  I think this would probably work particularly well if they dressed up and were able to use real blue gum as a prop.




Ah thanks for the help! I'll be sure to try it out!


Good! Let me know how it goes.

I have now re-recorded but not uploaded the three original scenarios but not the going under and coming up sections. When i've done that, i'll splice them together again and record some more, e.g. posthypnotic suggestion, weight gain and lighter than air. I've also thought about using an inflationary theme for the actual process of hypnosis.
