Many years ago, i made myself a self-hypnosis tape which included a fantasy about being inflated. Since i used to have a hypnosis fetish, it worked very well, and people who have read my stories will know that hypnosis sometimes comes into them. Nowadays, i'm not even sure hypnosis really works, and it's probably something that works only if you believe in it, but a few days ago i got curious about what the "other me" would've been reading on the internet - i.e. what if i'd lost the inflation fetish and kept the hypnosis one? Well, it turns out there are inflation hypnosis audio files! You have to pay for them, but the idea is that you get hypnotised into imagining that you're inflating.
It seems to me there are three ways of doing this. One would be to be hypnotised into imagining you were inflating, which would be fun and in fact I've tried this. Another option would be to be hypnotised into swallowing air until you were really full but to add an additional hallucinatory effect that you were bigger than you really were. Finally, with two people, you could decide on a trigger word as a post-hypnotic suggestion which would make someone think they were inflating after they "woke up", so in a public situation you could just whisper the word "balloon" to your victim and they'd think they were blowing up.
Obviously there are ethical issues with some of these, particularly the last, and i am myself sceptical about hypnosis, but i was wondering, if I were to put together some audio files about inflation, would anyone like them emailed or uploaded to YouTube? I certainly enjoyed the tape i did for myself a lot.
I'd certainly find that interesting!