Hypnotic inflation

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CorpulentArtifice's picture

Hey, I'm curious to know if there have been any new developments with this.

Formerly known as SignoreMirtillo


Yes.  I made better recordings of the middle bits and have included the scripts in the ebook.  I would also like an actress to do them and that might be happening.  I'm currently concentrating on finishing the book, but once i've done that, these will emerge in better quality form.  Thanks for your patience.



CorpulentArtifice's picture

Okay. I'll be looking forward to when you have everything ready. :D

I've experimented with hypnosis recordings, and I haven't really been able to become hypnotised or go into a trance state, but your recordings are still really fun to listen to while awake.

Formerly known as SignoreMirtillo


Thanks. I have better-quality recordings than that but i haven't put the hypnosis bits on them yet. When i upload them, i'll replace the crappy quality ones because there's a time limit (rather than a space limit, which is odd, but anyway) on Soundcloud, so with quality the sky's the limit, but with time it isn't, and i'd like to do a variety of scenarios to please different people's tastes.



Newmanwoman's picture

I just listened to both the inflation ones, I really enjoyed them.


Thanks.  They'll get better too.




hypnotic inflation definitely sounds very interesting. I also love the fact that you are getting this done. I'm still afraid of being caught or something in the middle of a hypnosis :P


Yes, earphones are my friends!




Mine as well, but was if you start acting the hypnisis out? Wouldn't that be trouble? haha.. I still find it curious to test it once you et it properly done. I'm still afraid though. xD


There is an issue of breath control in one of them because of the pace of my reading, which is quite fixed due to having to maintain the atmosphere. However, i think that adds to it by including a real physical phenomenon, although clearly there's variation between how long people can hold their breath and i know my own respiration is unusual due to the fact that i self-inflate a lot. Aside from that, the first time i tried them, i was listening to them on an MP3 player in an empty house where i knew i had the space and time. After that, i tried them in the middle of the night, but my wife and i are very open about all this stuff so for me it's not a problem. The main problem, actually, was the suspension of disbelief involved in lying next to someone and therefore not having the real space to imagine i'm expanding into!

I plan to introduce an idea of a separate body appearing. That's probably not very clear right now, but will become so once i've recorded the script.




You know what that might have been cool? that you could hypnotise someone to believe someone else is inflating. I know a girl that finds it okey for me to imagine sort of stuff like that. Would be awesome to be hypnotised to make me believe she is inflating :)


Absolutely! As it happens, i also have that in mind and plan to do exactly that.

Incidentally, i really appreciate people's patience here. The hold-up is partly finding the time and partly finding a quiet environment to record without being interrupted, in case you're wondering. Also, ome of the time i'm not spending on this i spend on other inflation-related stuff, so it.s not wasted.




I've learned to hard way how long time new projects can take. I have a bad habbit of believing everything can be done in a days time. So I can see where you're coming from!

For instance, I want to learn 3d, it's a lot of work at the same time I'm trying to get some audioclips recorded. But even that is actually taking quite a wile. So I can imagine making scripts or even finding a quiet period during a busy week can be really difficult. take your time, I can't wait to hear it!


Umm... is it possible to get some rubber furry TF in here?
Just asking, because that would be sweet XD
Just rubber TF or just furry TF is fine too, whatever's easiest.

PS: WMM has inflation files? OMG since when!?!?!?!


If this is still going on, is it possible to work in some kind of hypnosis where you visualize someone else inflating? I'm not a huge fan of the self inflation thing, and I did listen to the audio you provided, which is quite good. But if you're going to do something different, i'd love to see something that works from the third person.


Yes, this is still going on and i've thought of doing precisely that as it happens.  However, i'm really close to finishing the ebook now - all the text is done and the cover illustration.  Once i've submitted that to lulu.com, i'll have more time to concentrate on this.




Right, just to keep you informed:


I have now re-recorded the "going under" script, added a calming slideshow and uploaded it to my main channel on YT.  I did the same with the "coming up" script except that the audio quality being grating i decided was a good thing.  I also left the quieter, lower-quality recording in the background of the going under script for subliminal purposes.  They are now here:






I'm going to make them into a playlist and add a photo/drawn montage to the inflation scenarios, so each scenario will consist of a playlist (on Amanda Turlington) with a going under, scenario and coming up, to avoid duplication.  The scenarios have also been re-recorded.


Once i've done that, i will start doing the requests!


Thanks for your patience.




Hello!  More progress.  I have now uploaded a better audio quality version of the realistic inflation sequence with a slide show and text "sound effects" to YouTube.  The playlist for the entire hypnosis sequence is here:



...and is annotated on the video, so that's in, inflated and out.  The middle bit of the video sequence is here:



The next stage will be to do the unrealistic and blueberry versions in the same way, and then i'll be doing some requests and other ideas.


Thanks to the person who helped me with the drawings, which will shine forth as definitely not mine by their sheer quality.

I'm also thinking of doing an animation.


Anyway - enjoy, and more to come.  Thanks for your patience.




I've always been into both hypnosis and body/butt infaltion fetishes. I've thought of scenarios for that, some are a little out there but most of them would be good:

Have them believe that they're favorite body part is growing bigger after they wake up. They will most likely pick something that would be entertaining to watch.

Use a piece or gum or even a drink to convince them that if they eat or drink that item. It will blow them up. Tell them that it tastes really good so that'll make them want it more.

Have them realize that they will become very comfortable after they start inflating. Sort of like "the bigger you get, the better you feel". Mention that they might even feel pleasure as they grow. 

Be descriptive with how they will feel once they start to inflate. Describe what is happening to their clothes as they are inflating. How snug their shirts are going to feel. How tight their pants will get. Mention that they might start waddling after they blow up.

Be confident in ensuring what is happening to them. Let them know that no matter what they do, they will inflate like a balloon. There is no way for them to stop it. It's a losing battle. They will end up enjoying it more and more.


Thanks. I've gone in that direction with some of the scripts but the suggestions are good. I've avoided describing clothing because i have no control over what people wear or want to wear, so it'd have to be quite vague if i did that. The blueberrification one does describe clothes though.

Anyway, i'll see what i can do with your thoughts.




I would love to have them emailed to me!


I would love to have them emailed to me!


Could you please send me some videos? I'm dying to try this! If you could email some of them to me that would be much apreacheated :)


Unfortunately i delete them once i've uploaded them but i know it used to be possible to download one's own vids off YouTube so i'll have a go at that. Also, in future i'll back up the files after uploading. Thanks for your interest.
