Movie Charecter Inflations?

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Sci-FiExpander's picture
Movie Charecter Inflations?

Have you ever dreamed abut a charecter from a movie being inflated? I'd love to hear which movie charecter! So tell me, which movie charecter would you love to see inflated, and why?

I'll tell you mine, even though I find it a little embarrasing to talk about: I would love to see Trinity from The Matrix being inflated. Yes, it's a little strange, but The Matrix is one of my favorite movies and I like seeing women being inflated, Even though I am Heterosexual.

Tell us your craziest movie charecter inflation fantasy.

(Oh, and this is unrelated to the topic, tell me your top two favorite female movie chareccters: I'm trying to write a lesbian crossover fanfiction.)


darth_clone19's picture

So you think its strange to like the Matrix, and to like women inflated even though you are heterosexual? Im sorry, but that makes little sense mate.

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A quick check of her member profile indicates that she is female. Anything still not clear?

darth_clone19's picture

Good to know, still, I wont check a members profile everytime and theres so many guys here one just assumes, I guess. Still, I dont know why it would be weird to like the Matrix. Its a great movie.

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Sci-FiExpander's picture

I know. I am heterosexual but like to see women inflated. I just don't like male inflation, I find that disgusting, strangely. Everyone I know, even my parents, say that I "think differently". And I'm not saying that I find it weird to like The Matrix. I'm saying I find it weird to see a character in The Matrix inflated.  The Matrix + Inflation? I find that strange, but everyone has their own fantasies.


Phraxus's picture

Jessica Rabbit is probably the first movie character who comes to mind for me - particularly if her inflation is self-initiated (the classic puff-on-the-thumb maneuver, for example) and competitive. 

Not terribly original, I know, but what can I say?  I'm a sucker for the classics. XD

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