Was inflation for first growth fetish?

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Was inflation for first growth fetish?

Was inflation your first growth fetish? Or did you start with somethig else before inflation? Like weight gain, macro, hyper, musclegrowth, etc.?

Phraxus's picture

Technically, inflation was my first growth fetish - beginning in my early childhood with the Aesop's Fable "The Frog and the Ox".  However, I wasn't consciously aware of my inflation fetish until I was in my late teens.  My first actual exposure to the inflation/expansion/growth fetish community, was the original Body Inflation website, and the Breast Expansion Archive.  At the time, I was mostly into breast expansion/inflation, and it wasn't until I had read a few stories by Inflate123, LVKane, Alec Deluxe, and HourglassLover, that I began to realize what lay at the heart of my fetish.  That was about thirteen years ago.  Since then, my interests have broadened somewhat to include other forms of growth/expansion, though inflation still remains at the core of my interest. 

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."

darth_clone19's picture

First, and only.

 -   Read my stories: darth-clone19.deviantart.com