What about body inflation comics?

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What about body inflation comics?

I've been wondering for quite a wile.. Is there any good body inflation comics out there? I don't mean like those short ones you'll find on DA, which are very good, but something like Bust artist BE comics, or the ones you might find on giantessclub or BEstoryclub.

Personally I'm interested in the process, not the actuall result, and I love the style with the non-hose or feeding ones. I've always been looking for slow helium inflation comics, but I never seem to find any of those.. So I'd thought of giving it a wirl here and see if there's only me who's been missing out!


I have two comics at the bestoryclub that may interest you.  "'Till She Gets Her Way Part 2," begins with a three page expansion sequence on a subway car.  Though written to be a full body expansion, it was illustrated as extreme weight gain.

The final half of the "The Great Emulation Part 3" involves pretty epic clothing inflation.

I would love to see or even write an inflaiton comic, but I don't think the current comic sites are up for it and the artists seem to always veer towards weight gain.  Still, I have another script in progress that will make another attempt at getting an inflation scene in.


I would love to see more helium inflation really, and without the hoses! I've been dreaming/ Wishing for a comic like about a virus or a bug that bites people and make them inflate with helium, not instantly but with a lot of growing process.. I really really really wish I could draw my self, or even write!

Anyway, thanks for the heads up! At least Iw ill check the clothing inflation up. Weight gain is really a big turn of from my personal point of view :)