Fast and quiet air pump for a catsuit

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Fast and quiet air pump for a catsuit

Anyone know of a good way to blow up an inflatable catsuit that'll be fast, and quiet? This is via one of the small tyre like air valves. I've got a fast pump but it sounds like a vacuum cleaner, so not really very quiet.


Must also be available to the UK.


Hi my name is Tom. I run the inflatable chicks yahoo group


I don't know if there is such a thing as a quiet air pump. The quietest thing I know is a tank of compressed air—like all the inflation art with SCUBA tanks, or perhaps a bottle of compressed gas for industrial uses.

Compressors for air-powered tools use a "buffer" tank. So they are similar to the compressed air tanks mentioned above, with the added bonus that the tank can be refilled on the spot. Unfortunately, the motors on compressors (which run intermittently whenever the tank falls below a certain pressure) are typically very loud. If you want fast, it's probably going to be loud.

Fast—Quiet—Cheap: pick two.

SCUBA tanks (or other compressed air tanks) will be fast and quiet, but probably not all that cheap, especially if one indulges in the inflatable suit frequently. (CAUTION: careless use of compressed air can lead to severe injury, or death; e.g. compressed air alone can pierce skin. Know your equipment thoroughly.)

A high volume, manually operated pump designed for pool toys and the like will be quiet and cheap, but probably not terribly fast.

deleted_20180328 (not verified)

A high volume, manually operated pump designed for pool toys and the like will be quiet and cheap, but probably not terribly fast.

I rather like that idea. Seeing as it'll be my wife doing the pumping. Wish I'd never got rid of our old dual-action manual pump now.


I've already got one of the blower style pool toy pumps, which is loud. 

Scuba tanks are an option, but expensive, and as I live way inland, not many places to get them filled. Might have to take up a new hobby and move to the coast. Drysuit anyone?


If it's for a video, you could use a video editor to mute the noise after you record it.  If it's for personal use, I have a weird could put the noisy compressor behind a closed door to muffle the noise, run a hose and an extension cord under the door, run the extension cord to a power strip and use that to turn the compression on or off.


And plus, a manual pump allows for some pretend pain in an RP, meanwhile an automatic pump would inflate you way too fast.

If you do opt for a manual pump, (I don't know if you can get these in UK) air matresses (like Ozark Trail) usually come with inflators that are pretty quiet, and somewhat cheap compared to other options, and goes at an OK rate. I physically inflated with one before, then I moved and it got lost in the move. (My belly's tiny capacity may be the reaon for my third point but eh)


Also, if you have the right bit, get your wife to blow into the tube itself for some real intimate times.