Looking for Popping fics...

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alorok's picture
Looking for Popping fics...

A standard topic, I'm not sure if "looking" for stories goes in the story folder.

But, more specifically I'm curious if there are stories out there where the inflatee "wants" to pop at the end. Most I've found are unintentional or the scared reaction. Fun in themselves, but I'm in the mood for a desired bursting.



Some of my stories contain willing popping. "Birthday Presents" and "A Serious Case Of Hiccups" don't have popping but do have a positive anticipation of it, and a short-short whose name i've forgotten - i'll post it when i find it - has a protagonist who is being inflated to popping precisely because she wants to as an orgasmic experience.




It's called 'Slow Motion Pop' and it's here:  http://bodyinflation.org/node/22607



Auriga's picture

How about this one 

BE and willing burst.

lopnesh's picture



Dizzy_oni_Girl and Owen come to mind:



...and you, my friend!

Also, could you please check my own account:


I don't write my fantasies anymore because they are mine and Maria's now, but my previous stories are all about willing pops. Even in the grim British story all the girls who inflate don't mind bursting and enjoy it.


Why do you ask, btw? Your two bursting stories are brilliant, we enjoyed every line of them.

When God created time, He created enough of it!


Might as well indulge in some shameless self promotion. My first story is kinda crappy but both people are very much into it, although the bursting is only implied. (They totally burst though.)

Here it is: http://lostsoul2k2003.deviantart.com/art/Popping-Pills-71765357

As for the rest of my stuff, the attitude towards popping ranges from anticipation disguised as indifference to panic.

I really should write more...

doubleintegral's picture

I was going to respond to this and say, "Well, there are LOTS of stories like that."  Then I thought about it and realized I'm not familiar with very many of them.

Dizzy-oni-girl is definitely worth checking out, though.  Too bad she hasn't written much in the last few years.