General Oversight of Animation Process

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General Oversight of Animation Process

I've had some people curious over the years as to how these are made, I went ahead and broke down this short one in a tutorial video.

The 2 minute mark of this upload bascially reveals the timing and spacing required as to how inflations are generally done (with the exception of explaining that it's 24 FPS on ones). Although it always varies per character, type, and what's being worn.

I really don't mind explaining the process as to how any of these are made. I'll start going more in depth in the following weeks. Kind of be nice to see another person take up the "inflation animation" mantle as I move my YT page towards being more general-heh.


Actually, i have sort of made an animation but it's not ready.  I have a sound track and it lasts about seven minutes but i'm rethinking it at the moment because i always sound kind of lame in RP scenarios.  There are bits and pieces of animation and live action but i could really do with finding out a good way to morph things because the amount of work involved is huge.  I'm reluctant to upload it right now as it looks a bit crap.



Ah can't wait to see it, I've been subbed to both of your channels for quite some time. Huge work is right, I'm on my Superman II commission right now, and no matter how many I do it's always a fresh long start per project (heh). Feel free to keep me posted on YT (and I'm open to help with that project in any way I can). :-)


Oh great, nice to be appreciated!  I think the answer might be a lot of morphing.  Also, i'll probably have to start from scratch.