Inflation games?

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Inflation games?

I just wondered if there are any inflation games (not deviantArt, I've been looking there for days now). I already know Riki's Inflation Game and Blubber Dragon, are there any more?

Blammos6 (not verified)

EDIT: Please some popping if you get too inflated, I forgot to type that...

Phobos001's picture

Working on it. Expect something in the near future that's somewhat playable!

Blammos6 (not verified)


Phobos001's picture

Finally finished a working movement system, including popping you if you get squeezed too much between walls. Now for everything else!

Blammos6 (not verified)

what are you supposed to do in the game? are you like getting attacked by inflators or something like that? like an adventure inflation game... just asking :P

Phobos001's picture

It's a platformer thing where you have to float, land, or roll around hazards like spikes and stuff. I haven't touched it for a while actually because I got some ideas for different games and stuff. Sorry ^^'

Blammos6 (not verified)


Phobos001's picture

I will come back to it! I just wanted to finish a game and sell it over the summer, and start making a living. :\

Blammos6 (not verified)

Well then it's Ok :P


Completely unrelated, but try this one:

Blammos6 (not verified)

That was totaly unrelated, and I've seen that before... Something more... Interactive please?