Custom design blowup suits

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Custom design blowup suits

Hey, folks!

Another post inspired me to post this.  As Squeak Latex isn't really taking orders for custom designs for inflatable suits anymore (he'll take slight modifications of existing designs, but not entirely new designs) and I have a couple custom designs I'd love to see made into reality, does anyone have any recommendations for companies that will create new designs?  I'm looking for a place that will make a well-made product.

Any suggestions?  Kinky King Latex says that they do custom work, but I've never had any experience with them.  Let me know your thoughts!


blowup_boy's picture

Actually this isn't quite true (Was only for those months I put a hult on business). Custom designs are now once again possible, however will simply take longer to delvelop than an off the shelf design. As long as this is understood. Should be no issues when devloping a new design.

Email me your ideas via the squeak website. ^__^

Hisssssssssssss.. ...uh oh!!


Woot!  That is excellent news!  I have no designs firmly on paper (or JPG, as the case may be)--they're still all in my head--but once I get something down, I'll let you know.  :)