Violet Beauregarde on the London Stage

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Violet Beauregarde on the London Stage

I've been curious over the past months about the new Charlie and the Chocolate Factory production in London.  Has anybody seen it or seen pics of it?  Would obviously love to know if there's a decent blueberry scene - and details, if anyone can supply them.  Thanks! 

Hiltuglas's picture

Sadly i have no idea, but i am sure it will end up wonderfully!! lest the blueberry scene best be epic eh?

Been an inflationist for so very long now. I hope to meet as many others into this as I!


From what I've heard, it doesn't sound like it'll appeal to us.  Keep in mind that I haven't seen it, but this is what I've surmised:

The costume that Violet wears is like a sparkly tracksuit, and when the blueberry part starts she runs offstage and then a big trapdoor in the floor opens up and she rises up in a "body" prop that looks like a big disco ball.  I don't remember if they said she pops in this version or not, but basically it didn't sound very appealing.  Sorry to disappoint.

BttrfliesNHurricanes (not verified)

Breaking news on this front. Someone who went to one of the previews recorded some of the songs Juicy! being one of them. In case you weren't aware that's Violet's blueberry song. Before I proceed let me remind you that this is a big production that is most likely coming stateside and will eventually be eligible for liscensing on stages across the U.S. just like the dreaded 'Wonka Jr.' In other words this is going to be the Violet play/musical standard bearer soon, not Chew It (thank goodness). I will say one thing though. This song... let's just say it hits every non-vulgar trope that um a typical Violet situation/story tends to explore on DA. It's definitely not Chew It..

Also keep in mind that in this iteration Violet's dad is a sterotypical Hollywood celebrity and as his daughter she falls into the Paris Hilton trope. Her dad is pretty much like Scarlett from 2005 as he uses her as a prop for his own ambitions. The whole song is an obvious jab at American reality t.v. and celebrity culture. She always wanted to be famous...

The audio is 240p but I did my best to transcribe it. You should read the lyrics first just to get a feel for the song. Here is the link by the way

Mr. Salt: Well this can revolutionize the retail sector entirely!

Wonka: It could Mr. Salt but it won't. There's a problem with the pudding.

Violet: Tomato soup!!!!

Mr. Salt?: That's the starter! It's quite traditional.

Violet: Roast Chicken!!!

Mr. Salt: Sunday afternoon everybody in the parlor picking up pops on the radio.

Violet: Potatoes and gravy!!!

Mr. Salt: A rabbit dribbling in the corner hahaha (I'm 100% this is what he's saying in these lines. Makes no sense to me but whatever)

Violet: ???! (Fizzy Orange? idk)

Wonka: Violet whatever you do don't hit pudding. *You can sense the sarcastic alarm*

Mr. B: Do it Violet you do it girl! Do it!

Wonka: Violet!!! No!

Violet: Cheese and crackers!!!

Wonka: VIOLET! Don't get to pudding!

Violet: Oh my. *giggles*

Mr. B: What is it honey?

Violet: PIE!

Wonka: *silently correcting her* Pudding.

Mr. B: ??????

Violet: BLUEBERRY PIE! DAD IT'S BLUEBERRY PIE! (Obviously excited)

Wonka: Pudding! 

Mr. B: What is happening to her!? She's getting bigger!

Wonka: *fast mumbly jumbo good luck*

Mr. B: What the ??? does that mean?

Wonka: It means.. *laughs maniacally* It means... She's turning into a blueberry!!!

*Funky Disco music starts playing and singing starts* On a side note my gosh is this song nice and catchy. 


Oompa Loompas: Attention! Here's new in the number one tune on the tops! She's big and getting bigger! She's blue and getting bluer! She's a fruit based sensation! She goes by the name of Juicy!

*Chorus 1*

Oompas: Everybody wants a piece of the action. Everybody's talking about Juicy!

Violet: Help me!

Oompas: Daddy wanted her to be a main attraction now everybody's talking about Juicy!

Mr B.: What have you done to her?!

*Verse 1* 

Oompas: Juicy is a girl named Violet B. She doesn't have a talent as far as we can see but she wants to be a star though there's nothing she can do. She's gonna be famous now for just turning blue. ???? *They exclaim something loudly and fast* (Sounds like "Squeeze her father out!) 

 Mr. B: I can't put a blueberry on the cover of Vogue! I'm calling my lawyer!

*Chorus 2*

Oompas: Everybody wants a piece of the action. Everybody's talking about Juicy! Daddy blew her up into a big transaction now everybody's talking about Juicy!

*Verse 2*

Oompas: She always wanted fame now she's about to explode. POP! Scoop up every chunk and we'll serve her a la mode. She's gonna hit the big time with the big ???????. She's about to burst her bubble or the top of the pops! Ooo. Ooo. Ooo. Ooo.

 -Due to the slight pause and build-up in music I'm assuming this is the part where her in full blueberry form pops up-

Mr. B: Oh my god she's huge! She's beautiful! I can put her on the cover of Fruit Monthly! (He's obviously VERY enthusiastic about his daughter's plight..)

Violet: DADDDDDDDDDY!!!!!! 

Mr. B: Don't worry baby we're gonna be rich!

*Verse 3* (Most of it is horribly inaudible)

Oompas: (First line is very inaudible/mumbly). Her clothes are no use soon she'll need a tent for a dress! ?????? will be perfect and ????????! Her crazy mint condition ??? has never been used. Her legs are good and sturdy ?????? hot on the spotlight! You have to take them both to ???????. But you have better hurry if you want to ?????. Cus' in fifteen minutes she is bound to disappear.

Mr B.: ????? I'm gonna be rich!

*Final Verse*

Oompas: Everybody wants a piece of the action. Everybody's talking about Juicy! Her favorite body parts will soon be ???? a fraction. At least that's what I know for it will be a distraction. Everybody knows about the girl now named Juicy. Everybody knows about! Everyone is talking about! Oooooooooooooh! JUICY!!!

*Hear the sound of an explosion/pop. Hear juice pouring out and everything. People in audience screaming*
^ No I'm not making that up.
It's really obvious that Violet explodes in this one.

And that's all folks :) 


Well, that's...kind of morbid...

BttrfliesNHurricanes (not verified)

Yeah it kind of is... If you listen to some of the other songs you'll find the whole musical just has a morbid dark tone in regards to the spoiled kids and parents. Makes the two movies look tame.

In Vidiots (Teevee's Exit) at the end Mike's mom is actually thankful that he's small. She starts talking to him like a baby and in a wierd pshycho way starts chiming that he'll always be small so she could look after him. He's screaming for his life. The uncomfortable laughter over the whole end of that scene omg. 

BttrfliesNHurricanes (not verified)

Sorry double post.

pjoker's picture

This is a new level of darkness from a mainstream production. All of those songs pretty explicitly define the demise of their subjects. Violet's song achieves an extra level of darkness because of the way the song mocks her wish to be big and famous coming true in a Monkey's Paw-like way:

  • The Oompa Loompas open the song by giving her an ironic pop star name: Juicy.
  • The basic message of the song is: "You wanted to be 'big,' so we'll fulfill that wish ironically by literally inflating you. And then you'll be famous for dying a hilarious death."
  • They then go through every possible pun between her desired fame and her impending explosion: "blowing up," "explode," "pop," etc., to tease her about what's about to happen to her.
  • Cannibalism. I'm pretty sure that line in Verse 2 is, "We'll scoop up every chunk and serve her a la mode."
  • They reinforce the fact that she's going to pop with that bit about "You better hurry up if you want to [somehow partake in her fame, I think] because she's bound to disappear."

The degree to which I enjoy this does not make me feel great about myself.

doubleintegral's picture

Don't feel too ashamed of yourself.  It's just fantasy.  Enjoying such things with respect to an actual person crosses the line, but you're nowhere near it IMO.

pjoker's picture

I think what's actually depressing to think about is how this is a family show, considered silly and harmless -- yet for me (us) it's sexually charged and would be very uncomfortable to watch in a theater with a lot of other people. It's alienating.




Maybe they thought the original book was written by Edward Gorey.

pjoker's picture

Someone posted a newer, slightly clearer version of "Juicy." I can't make out much more of the lyrics than before, but maybe someone else can give it a shot.


I know there are rules about posting images of minors, so I won't post a link.

But, if you go to the stage production's Facebook page, for getting 25,000 Likes, they posted a picture of Violet during the start of her swelling.

This suspense is terrible. I hope it will last- Oscar Wilde

HeavyMetalBlood (not verified)

Actually posting links next time would be helpful...


I saw the picture, now I want someone to post the whole video!

BttrfliesNHurricanes (not verified)

I just realized on the picture they put the word bursting in bold. Damn they're really owning up to this whole Violet explodes thing. This thing NEEDS to come to Broadway and open up the flood gates for troupes state-side

BttrfliesNHurricanes (not verified)

Big news on the new canon explanation of how the fuck the gum works down below

I wanted to take the hit to buy the just released soundtrack but alas I'm not from the UK. Until someone else from the UK uploads we're in the dark. Buuuuuuuuut

That being said the 30 second samples of Gum! and Juicy! are available to everyone. Within the sample to Gum! is an actual canonical explanation to why/how Violet inflates instead of just "it always goes wrong or ummm juice."

Mr. B asks what's going wrong and Wonka says, "excess fructose in the fluid sacs I'm afraid." Bingo! We have a winner thanks Warners Brothers. That basically translates to extra sugar in the fluid sacs. Sugar being juice and apparently the gum has fluid sacs? Apparently the Wonka used WonkaVision to shrink huge blueberries into the gum which then released exponential juice theory made by some was the closest to reality!

So basically the gum is a release mechanism and, yes, apparently the chewer does in fact swallow never ending juice. The dilemma this also raises is.... the gum screwed up not because something wonky and unexpected went wrong. Essentially there was just too much blueberry juice in the mix. Like that's super easy to fix/not get wrong. In other words yeah Wonka totes did it on purpose to the point of making her explode....? Yeah I'm ending there have a field day everyone!


Is it not 'rabid dribbling'?

would make more sense.

BttrfliesNHurricanes (not verified)
So the final soundtrack version of Juicy! was released.

You can hear almost everything clearly now and... I'm not even going to comment just listen to that whole last verse...
Lyrics below
P.S. thanks Farisae for bringing the final version to our attention
And here she is new in the number one chewing on the chops 
She's big and getting bigger 
She's blue and getting bluer 
She's a fruit based sensation 
And she goes by the name of Juicy! 

Chorus 1 
Everybody wants a piece of the action 
Everybody's talking 'bout Juicy! (Help me!) 
Daddy wanted her to be the main attraction 
Now everybody's talking 'bout Juicy! 

Verse 2 
Juicy is a girl named Violet B. 
She doesn't have a talent as far as we can see 
But she wants to be a star though there's nothing she can do 
She's gonna be famous now for just turning blue 
Squeeze that father out! 

Chorus 2 
Everybody wants a piece of the action 
Everybody's talking 'bout Juicy! 
Daddy blew her up into a big transaction 
Now everybody's talking 'bout Juicy! 

Verse 2 
She always wanted fame now she's about to explode 
Scoop up every chunk and we'll serve her a la mode! 
She's gonna hit the big time when the big gum drops 
She'll finally burst her bubble or the top of the pops! 
[I've got an idea. Hello Fruit Monthly!] 

Verse 3 
Her lips say nothing and her hands do less! 
Her clothes are yours 'cus soon she'll need a tent for a dress 
Her stomach will be perfect when it's squeezed and it's oozed! (um) 
Her brain's in mint condition 'cus it's never been used 
Her legs are good and sturdy 'cus they ran toward the spotlight! 
You have to take them both to split them up would be not right 
But you have better hurry if you wanna grab her ear! 
'Cus in fifteen minutes she is bound to disappear! 
[Baby we're gonna be rich!] 

Final Chorus 
Everybody wants a piece of the action 
Everybody's talking about Juicy! 
Her favorite body parts will soon be yours for a fraction 
Her insides flying over it would be a distraction 
Today nobody knows about Ravel or Debussy
But everybody know about 
Everybody's talking 'bout 


That's... quite fantastic!