Will anything ever top the Violet blueberry scene(s)

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Will anything ever top the Violet blueberry scene(s)

Just a hypothetical question, I guess it differs greatly in opinion. But the blueberry scene in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is probably the most famous, most inspiring scene in cinema for most expansion fans (both the original and sequel).


I personally believe it won't be topped in terms of sheer quality and influence. Any thoughts?


For me Josie and the pussycats did it. And inspector Gadget.

But I am into clothing inflation, so maybe thats why :)

Hi my name is Tom. I run the inflatable chicks yahoo group


I, personally, didn't care for the scene in the remake.  The computer animation was, in my opinion, very poorly executed.  Violet goes from being a real person to a computer animation and the effect is way too jarring!  Also, the increase in size to--what, 50 feet tall or something?--just didn't do anything for me.

I wanted an actual inflation, not a cartoon.  Heck, we had a better inflation scene in Harry Potter 3, but Marge wasn't a spring chicken and there were too many jump cuts for my tastes, but the HP3 inflation ranks much higher, in my mind, than the Wonka remake.  We have the technology now.  Let's have a great inflation!


doubleintegral's picture

I liked the new Violet scene, and I actually thought it was very well animated.  The scene was almost tailor-made for us since it shows so many little details of her inflation that we usually fawn over so much (turning blue, belly bulges first, cheeks puffing up, arms disappearing as she goes spherical, head and hands sunk in... I could go on).  I also liked the size better, and she was not anywhere close to 50 feet.  15-20 tops.

darth_clone19's picture

I dont care at all for it and with the years got to have a certain animosity towards blueberry (there was a time it literally flooded the place), so that rules me out.

 -   Read my stories: darth-clone19.deviantart.com 


Where can I find the Josie and the Pussycats inflation?




Hi my name is Tom. I run the inflatable chicks yahoo group


It is in this site as well: href=http://www.bodyinflation.org/node/30591


While I don't think it can be topped, I do think that eventually the technology will get to a place where it will be fairly easy to make quality CGI inflation sequences. (Even if it's only for our little group).


It's a shame that film wasn't in 3D, wasn't it? 

I think that would get a lot of people here going! :)


That reminds me.  Since youtube supports 3D, a while ago I was wondering how difficult it would be to manually convert some of our more famous inflation clips into the 3rd dimension?

I would think that if it wasn't too hard someone would have done it by now, but then again, other than a low-quality clip of the 2005 violet scene that didn't work too well (and has since been taken down), I've never seen anyone really try, either.  So, my estimate would be...quite difficult?


Always easier said than done. "Extruding" a 2D movie into 3D is a tedious task of rotoscoping every element of a scene—basically tracing everything to isolate it. After that, there may be some "painting" involved to fill in background plates where "holes" are left in the scene from cutting everything out and the subsequent addition of parallax. There is software to streamline the process of both rotoscoping and managing the parallax, but it is still a tediously manual process. If a film is new enough and the various "plates" are still available for the composites of an already VFX intensive scene (such as the 2005 CATCF), it might be converted without too much effort.

There are plugins for video software to add a "fake 3D" effect with anaglyphic colors (red/blue). The results are about what one might expect from such an automated process—not truly 3D, but it will give you a cross-eyed feeling. Such apps can be found for mobile devices because of their built-in cameras. I've also seen apps that allow one to "paint" a displacement map into an image, akin to sculpting clay. That approach also has its limitations.

There is a 3D system called ChromaDepth that responds to the colors in a scene. Unfortunately, it works in exactly the opposite fashion we might wish—red advances, and blue recedes.


Ah, damn.  Thanks for answering, though!

pjoker's picture

I'm assuming you're not talking about visual effects. With improving technology, a future film is bound to eventually outdo anything out there today.

Whether Violet Beauregarde is likely to be overtaken as the leading gateway inflatee -- the one that pops your inflation cherry -- that's a tougher question.

Chocolate Factory's sugar-coated sadism makes Violet's inflation stand out. It has situational elements that you don't find together in other films:

  • she inflicted her fate on herself
  • temptaton & punishment
  • she deserves it (according to the story)
  • weird mix of horror and humor
  • she's humiliated in song while being rolled around
  • uncertain fate

There's also the idea of a female taking a small "seed" of something into her body and then being transformed by it. That concept is probably a subconscious trigger for us.

But probably the biggest difference between Violet and most others is that she has no one to blame for her inflation but herself. Wonka tried (half-assedly) to stop her. No other character jammed a hose in her mouth or cast a spell on her. And to emphasize how much she deserves her fate, a song celebrating her self-destruction.

It's that Roald Dahl edge of gleeful cruelty that does it.

doubleintegral's picture

Of course the technology can only get better, and already is.  But we also don't know how such a future scene will be depicted.  We don't know the size she will get or whether attention will be paid (wittingly or not) to the subtle details that get many of us going.  The newer movie has that in spades, IMO.

Translation: we should all be thankful for what we've got.

(However, I wouldn't mind a future film depicting Violet as a bratty 18+ girl with a more developed figure.  And although it will never happen in a million years, I would love to see a Blizzard-animated Violet scene.)