thought I would say hey!

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thought I would say hey!

I am new here, watched for a while but now want some people to finally talk about my interests with.  I havent ever came out in relationships with this fetish... I am afraid how it will be recieved.  Maybe talking with like minded individuals will help me feel more comfortable.  I hope to meet lots of you!  Thanks for having me!!! ;)

MixMaster (not verified)

Heya and welcome to the forums ^^

I ask this of most people I meet in this community, but how was it you came about your fetish? I believe most people's had to do with Violet, but I may be surprised.


I do love the violet scene, i am sure that it had a lot to do with the start of my fetish.  I am not much into full body inflation however.  I love hourglass inflation.  When I was "developing" I would fantasize that my breasts would keep growing, and was always drawn to larger women.  I love curves amd sadly i wasnt blessed with many myself but a girl can dream right? ;) So I guess the violet scene planted the seed but I am not sure if I can exactly pinpoint where it all actually kicked in to being my fetish.

Inflate123's picture

You will find there are many hourglass fans here too. Glad you found the community and I hope you feel comfortable here.


Its an honor inflate123, one of the first stories I read was remote possibilities by you and sievert.  Still my favorite ^_^


Well hey! Glad to have assisted in creating something you enjoy.



Yes I very much did.  I have read that story probably at least 5 times over.  Its is defintely an honor to have had both of you in one thread and I havent even been a member for a week ^_^


Welcome to the community, as new members always are. Hopefully you'll find us to be an easygoing bunch and we all enjoy a little navel-gazing when it comes to our own fetishes.

For me, where it all began is hard to place too, as in I remember Violet (in the book) but that was only one of many inflation memories and the seed had definitely already been planted before then.

airtankgirl5's picture

Hourglass fan, right here!