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I am leaving the forms and mesangers for personal reasons. I just can't reconcile this fedish that I have any longer.


People come and go on sites all the time.  I hope you're not pushing the sympathy angle here, considering you're creating a 2nd post telling us the same thing.


Your parents must have caught you, and if its a fetish for you, don't lie to yourself and deny it. I tried doing it one time a year ago...it doesn't work, its a part of you and will be so forever. 


Hey, that is not necessary! How about you all around? I never thought of "quitting", because, as big-gas-balloon said, it is nearly impossible, if you do not want to be crazy (as we may know from religious families, where rules a dogma with its iron hand). I think the most important thing is to do all things safely if your fetish is not only watching or reading. Even if I am not considering our fetish as a "deviance", I could not be proud of being revealed whether admiring/doing inflation or  another "sexual" stuff. :-)

HeavyMetalBlood (not verified)



Goodbye person I don't know and have never talked to and don't see post at all, ever until now!  I think I'll miss you most of all!

...I meant that sarcastically.

Blue_Eyes's picture


Those of you who volunteered to be injected with praying mantis DNA, I've got some good news and some bad news. Bad news is we're postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we've got a much better test for you: fighting an army of mantis men.

airtankgirl5's picture

I frikin hate "farewell" posts.  Save the time and just vanish into the night.




lol xD

Hi my name is Tom. I run the inflatable chicks yahoo group


Farewell! Farewell! Farewell!

I remember a series of very colorful sunsets for several days one year. I think there'd been a big volcanic eruption somewhere in the world. There was a tall bridge over the campground where I was vacationing. So I took a super-8 film camera up to get a good time-lapse shot of the sunset. This was a fairly high traffic area, so I was stunned to hear a car stop behind me as I leaned on the rail next to my camera. I turned to see a cop approaching. He was very blunt with his first question, "You planning to jump?"

I think I rolled my eyes at what sounded like a stupid question, jerking a thumb at the tripod-mounted camera next to me. "Yeah, I brought along a camera to record it!"

Don't sass cops. They don't like it.

Inflate123's picture

What's a fedish?

Fleetingsanity's picture

I was about to ask the same thing. 

Falcon Pawnch!