I've recently started seeing someone new, and when we were talking a while ago he asked if I had any weird kinks. I told him I had a few, but they were private and I wasn't ready to share them, and the matter was dropped for a while. But today we were texting and he asked again what those private kinks were, and I told him I'd rather discuss it in person since I wasn't comfortable going over it via text message.
I told my ex about my fetish, somewhat awkwardly, and he was very cool with it. But this guy is somewhat different to my ex and I'm not sure how he'd react to it, nor am I really sure how I can describe my fetishes without sounding completely insane. I'm sure I can figure something out without too much trouble, but it got me thinking about how others might handle the situation.
If you decided to tell a friend or significant other about your inflation fetish, what would you say?
I too would be interested in knowing a good way to tell someone. A close friend of mine has mentioned in passing an interest in inflation. I'd like to tell her about this site, certain videos, proper saftey, what have you, but I'm not sure how she'll react to me being into this.
Oh! The pressure! It feels so good! Please, don't let me pop!