marriage split

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marriage split

I have just split up with my wife of 8 years due to my inflation fetish.

She went snooping on my phone and found inflation related material,I hadn't botherd telling her about my fetish as I knew she wouldn't ever entertain it and so I kept it to myself.

If only she would blow up now so I could have the last laugh!

what ways of her inflating would make you folks laugh ? For me it would be that she hasn't lost weight at slimming world classes so they blow her up with helium to help lighten the load.

Blue_Eyes's picture

I call BS.

Those of you who volunteered to be injected with praying mantis DNA, I've got some good news and some bad news. Bad news is we're postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we've got a much better test for you: fighting an army of mantis men.


Sorry to hear. -x-


It doesn't sound like you two ever really liked each other to begin with.  Also, you didn't describe what she found exactly.  It could have been anything from cartoony drawings of inflated women to real photographs of hairy men with air hoses up their butts, or somebody wearing an inflatable latex cow suit.  Some things are easier to explain than others.

BTBLL's picture

Would be curious to hear what her reaction to the story I wrote for you was.

Sergy92's picture

And this is why you don't leave your phone open to relatives, lovers, etc.


Honest, girls who don't respect your fetish and would split with you are just girls who won't want to look silly because of it. Funny know if that's what happened to you but sorry for your loss

darth_clone19's picture

You dont have to make up a story to get us to tell you how to inflate an imaginary person.

 -   Read my stories: 

Another Canadian Guy
Another Canadian Guy's picture


Yeah, while I don't immedietly disclose the OP as fake, it's very unlikely that sort of senario would happen, considering that your just making a random inflation joke about it.

I'm calling this topic made up until proven otherwise.

(Not on here too often, replies might be slow.)