would you watch to a special girl (friend,girlfriend) as she pop's?

56% (38 votes)
44% (30 votes)
Total votes: 68

I really don't know what to answer.

If I would be a character in the imaginary world where popping is real and I would see a sentient being about to pop, then I would put every effort into preventing that.

And of course in order to prevent suicide (or murder?) I would have to watch it very intently while I act.

Is it YES or NO ?


Another case. If I'm a real me who plays a game / watches a movie - and in that show my friend plays a role and gets "popped" - oh year, I'll watch with all eyes! ^_^ Then will rewind and watch again! ^_^


I think the questions should be:

1. what will you do if she's REALLY popping?

2. what will you do if you imagine/play/watch a show where she pops?

firnov's picture

its a good idea for a question. but an inflation show. you make my curious about this gerne

And boom goes the inflatee

Torterra Inflation

Hmm, no.

I'm not huge (pun intended) on popping, partially because of the way I envision it. I get some people see what happens after popping differently than I, but the way I see it is that when the inflatee hits their limit, there's no going back. They're gone. Dead. Gone from existence, as if they'd vanished into the air they've been filled with. I get it's a fantasy and that realism shouldn't have to play much of a role in it... but the thought still makes me uneasy.

And the thought of losing a good companion to popping? God, no.

BalloonInflator's picture

I have to agree. It would be such a waste to let someone special die just to watch them pop.

I wouldn't want to pop either. Death isn't a turn on for me at all.

That being said, my answer to this question might change if the outcome of the popping were something other than death.

Just a little more. You can take it...I hope...


I really love popping, and just explosions in general, but I would probably lean towards saying no to this one, just because it includes friends. This is absolutely a sex thing, and I'm just not interested in sexualizing my female friends.

If it was a girl who I was in a relationship with, I'd probably be cool with it, but it depends on how popping works in this fictional universe.

I prefer popping as a temporary thing. This fetish is already so divorced from reality that I don't think this makes it particularly more absurd. How popping ends up being a temporary thing isn't really something I've put much thought into, because my fantasies don't require it to be overtly stated. I dislike the idea of popping as being explicit death, but I think it can be done well, and I can stomach it if the setting is bizarre enough that it isn't a tragedy.

For example, I think Limitburster does a really good job with this. She's literally the only writer I can think of who fixates on popping being permanent that I like (although, she's also the only one I can think of who fixates on the permanence at all) One of her characters is more annoyed than anything when she realizes that the guy she's dating just did something that's about to make her explode. It's permanent, but it's absurd and the girl isn't all that upset about her impending explosion. That softens it for me.

These responses are making me think a little about how I picture popping as temporary. Maybe someone gets blown up, explodes, and a few days later they just inexplicably wake up in their bed with a really bad inflation hangover. It's like a normal hangover, but you inflate when you exert yourself, get exposed to loud noises or bright lights that hurt your eyes, or even think too much about inflation. Irritating neighbors obviously get a little more irritating when their loud music can literally explode you.

Maybe all of my stories are set in hell or something. When somebody goes kaboom they just get dropped right back in to their eternal torment. Hell is other people. Coincidentally, maybe this is why there don't seem to be any children present, anywhere, ever.

Anybody got any ideas?


This: http://www.bodyinflation.org/node/32889#comment-33580

It is a perfect explanation, and you don't need any other. Just keep writing - you're awesome. If it's separate stories, like Alec Deluxe does, then you don't need it to be consistent. It's hot - so it's great.


In case you changed your mind and decided you need to invent a world - feel free to invent one or take any of already invented. I'm sure Charlie & Wonka and LimitBurster won't mind if you write in their world - if you are into magic. Certainly I gladly welcome you to write in my world - if you are into keeping it as close to reality as possible.


I'd want to *be* the girl friend being popped while someone watches.

In fantasy- exclusively cause reality doesn't allow this kind of fun. And as pointed out- I do things on a permanent death level. Blowing into hundreds of rubbery scraps is just how I want to go.

I'd want to either find someone special to watch or possibly make a cam show out of it personally. If I were to pop I'd want people who wanted me to pop watching. Encouraging me to push further and to explode into as big of a mess as possible.

Now- watching someone else popping? Not as fun. More of an envious issue for me I'd guess. Watching someone blow up, especially if important or slutty for me would be some great foreplay. I'd just be thinking about how I want to blow up next.


So! Yes!!! <3 <3 <3

BalloonInflator's picture

It's just too hard for me to push the actual reality out of my mind in regards to popping. Realistically speaking, bursting into thousands of rubbery pieces is just not going to happen. There's going to be blood and flesh and guts and other stuff splattering all over the place. It's just a horrible idea to me.

Just a little more. You can take it...I hope...


I have to admit, a girl who was this enthusiastic about exploding would pretty much change my answer to a definite yes, probably in public and drawn out to give you time to stretch and get as huge as possible before you finally go boom. Maybe make some kind of game out of pumping you up until you blow.

It would be basically impossible to say no if the girl was really enjoying the idea of her impending detonation, I guess.

AshyPie's picture

Real or imaginary I wouldn't watch some one I care about pop unless they wanted me to watch and they were happy to pop. In which case I would certainly watch and enjoy them fulfilling they're dreams. But from a girls POV I wouldn't mind if somebody watched me pop. I would understand there curiosity. =P

I'm a pretty kitty~


I absolutely would watch. Be it my friend-whos-a-girl, or my girlfriend. I honestly think id just be way too into it to try and help her. And then as she got massive and clearly looked about to blow, id be far too scared to go near her, in fear that she would explode in my face... 

Open for business...


I would love to pop. *_* Nothing hotter than knowing I that was my fate by the hands of a boyfriend! Gah. :3


I definitely couldn't do it. I would watch as the inflation started and be way beyond into it but the knowledge that she would pop, no way. I would definitely try to help somehow. If there was no inevitable pop, let the inflation begin!


I'm gonna go with yes, part because I'm into popping and because I don't see popping someone as ending their lives. To reach his own and how he or she perceives the fetish. There's at least a handful girls I've known or went to school with, that I would love to see inflated and popped (not gory, not my thing) be it as store bought dolls that looked like them or not. I suppose it could make for a story, but I'm currently working on one, so maybe next year.


If they were just inflating massively I would but if they popped I wouldn't because my friends that are girls I talk to and they make me happy and my girlfriend is the love of my life.