You, Inflation, & Kim Kardashian

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You, Inflation, & Kim Kardashian

What do these three things have in common? Uh, normally only the first two have anything to do with one another, the third...well.  Have a look at this magazine cover I came across earlier this evening while grabbing some soda at Target.



I just thought it was funny. <shrug>

Blue_Eyes's picture

Me thinks the picture did not post properly.

Those of you who volunteered to be injected with praying mantis DNA, I've got some good news and some bad news. Bad news is we're postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we've got a much better test for you: fighting an army of mantis men.


Yeah...there's no picture there.


What the? Ok, I have no idea whats going on, lol.



I saw that! Amazing! I hope it never stops growing!!


eehhh someone wanna share a link / photo that is working or something?

Hi my name is Tom. I run the inflatable chicks yahoo group



Is this it?

Blue_Eyes's picture

It's something.

Though it just reminds me how much I hate pop culture whenever I see these magazines.

Those of you who volunteered to be injected with praying mantis DNA, I've got some good news and some bad news. Bad news is we're postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we've got a much better test for you: fighting an army of mantis men.


i love the shot and the caption, but i avoid pop culture magazines. after all the crap kim kardashian has piled up, I would make her the fattest bride on TV. It will give those pop culture buttheads some fresh material (which will be a first XD)


ya Kim Kardashian is like a non-stop waking wet dream for me. She's like my fantasy fetish factory. When she was all over the tabloids with her pregnancy, I thought I was going to die from dehydration, if you get my drift.


Hate that woman. Can never be turned on a woman I hate. No matter how "hot" they are.

She is a perfect excample of everything what is wrong with society today: Greed, whoring and self worship. And ofcourse she is with a man that is equally as bad as she, if not even worse. If there is a hell, they'll end up there.

Hi my name is Tom. I run the inflatable chicks yahoo group


she really is a walking cancer that is spreading and expanding as we speak.and the only person so far that i would have full intension to pop


or clone her 23 times and host the 1st hunger games


Why would you want to ruin a great (in more ways than one) thing like inflation, by bringing her into it... She's much better suited for popping out at the very least, deflating.


Have You ever seen the Boondocks episode where Her ass explode? It's called Granddad dates a Kardashian, from season 4. Funny episode both for who love her ass and who hate Her ego.


never seen it, but sounds interesting. i might have to look for that episode

Inflate123's picture

"this magazine cover I came across earlier this evening"


mearsob (not verified)

lol there is some serious hate here for Kim Kardashian. Is she really that bad? It may not be as the papers say... though I would love to find out......... ; )

AshyPie's picture

I honestly don't understand the big deal… She's just a rich stupid famous whore… I'm sure there's plenty of those… And I don't really blame her… If I had a list of guys that upon fucking I would become rich and famous I would do it too… Also she doesn't deserve that butt… I'd say I deserve it… But mine's already that big… So… I guess I can't complain… Darn.

I'm a pretty kitty~


How old are you? 14? ADMIN!!! ;) ;) 

Hi my name is Tom. I run the inflatable chicks yahoo group


Hello! Haven't shown my face around here much since my main interest is all kinds of female mouth inflation, and that unfortunately seems to be rare, though not unheard of, in body inflation. However, I just checked back here since I saw Kim Kardashian's recent photoshoot and decided to make fun of her obsession with showing off her photoshopped butt. I know my way around photoshop too, so I could... improve it a bit.:)

It struck me that it might possibly interest some of you as well, and then I found this thread, which seemed an appropriate place to post it. So here you go! Hopefully you can at least have a chuckle at it, but if you happen to like it for other qualities that's fine too.;)


Well, this made my day XD this is something she would do in a heartbeat

Torterra Inflation



LOL!  Nice parody!