After seeing this wonderful pic from MountainChubby over on DA:
I got thinking in a weird tangent. How many sports are there that blueberry girls could compete as athletes, and not just as the ball or whatever? The fun part of this is that no matter what you think up of, it still won't be the weirdest thing they've ever had in the olympics.
I was thinking maybe polo? Instead of riding horses, the girls would ride atop some kind of concave, open-aired litter (like a big, flat palanquin or something) and their teammates would carry them around while they swung at the ball with an extra-long polo mallet.
Maybe a modified version of golf or croquet? Some kind of triathlon/pentathlon-type event where they take the gum at the beginning and see who got the furthest once everyone's immobile?
I'm pretty sure all athletic feats would be near impossible for blueberries... But other kinds of inflation would be very intresting... personally I'd run 100 meters inflated.
I'm a pretty kitty~