I can't help but wonder...

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I can't help but wonder...

...if some spook Web crawler may have tagged this site based on "trigger" words like "explode."

"The site admin has been brought in for questioning, but no matter how much pressure is applied, he seems to enjoy it."

Blue_Eyes's picture


Those of you who volunteered to be injected with praying mantis DNA, I've got some good news and some bad news. Bad news is we're postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we've got a much better test for you: fighting an army of mantis men.

biff977's picture

I understand about your paranoia...a lot of the words we use could be easily misconstrued out of context. But while the NSA does wholesale back-up portions of the internet for security evaluation, machines and software are unable to extrapolate an inferred meaning; it still has to go before human eyes to understand content (I alternately feel bad and feel envious of that person).

That being said, at the end of cell conversations I still like to yell out a string of random words (like "purple monkey hammer Episcopalian headlamp") in hopes that, in some sub-basement of the National Security Agency, some supercomputer with voice recognition software is now running full out trying to piece together what the hell I just said.


And that's how Biff ended up on Skynet's hit list! :)


I think it already has happened, based on the term "inflation"
